I can't believe it is already the end of January. 11 more months until Christmas! (Just Kidding- I am really not counting down.)
Not much has been going on here so sorry for the boring update.
The most exciting thing is that Rob has started his last semester of school. It seems weird that he will graduate in May and then hopefully he will be able to find a job. I LOVE living in Logan but I am ready to move if it means Rob is working instead of me (or maybe both of us).
School has been going good for me. We are over half way done with the school year and as always I love my job but look forward to days off. It is also that time in the year that I am ready for winter to be over and to start thinking about Spring.
Really that is all for us! Life as usual! I hope everyone is doing great! :)
Violet at Age 8
1 day ago