Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More work and more school

So, it has been awhile since I have posted. Why? The answer is simple- work and school! I am not going to say that we haven't done anything fun- but between that and working I haven't had time to post! I did get a chance to celebrate my 24th Birthday! We enjoyed dinner at Cafe Rio (YUMMY!), went shopping, and ate cake and ice-cream with friends! I really can't believe I am 24! I am in my mid 20's! Weird! I have also had a chance to finish reading the Twilight series! It was enjoyable reading, but I for sure wouldn't call myself a fanatic! Its a little out there for my taste! Rob has been busy doing homework and correcting papers for his job as a TA. We went to our first Aggie Football game of the year! We love football and love our Aggies! (Hopefully someday they will actually learn how to play - until then we will keep supporting them while anxiously waiting for Basketball to start!) Work is good- I love my job! (I still dread Mondays and look forward to Fridays and Holidays!) The kids are awesome and I love teaching! :) Hopefully this weekend I will have some pictures because we are going to Bear Lake for the weekend! Yeah! :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Work and School!

I am back to work and Rob is back in school! What more can be said.... Summer is over! Even though it was amazing to have a break from work, in some ways it is nice to have life back to normal. The best part about school starting is that Rob is no longer working swing shift and I have a husband to hang out again! Yeah! :) I also love fall and can't wait for football games, cooler weather, colored leaves, and so much more! Anyways...... hopefully we will do so fun stuff and I will have more exciting things to post about soon!