Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

Maybe someday I will blog again??? Does anyone still read? I know I still read when people update but I have just gotten lazy! Anyways... hope everyone is doing great and had a Happy Easter!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Growing Fast

The last 5 weeks have gone by quickly.... and our little baby is getting bigger each day! Here are a few pictures!
 3 weeks
 4 weeks
 5 weeks

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


We are so excited that Kaden finally joined our family. He decided to come a week late... and then he decided he needed to keep things interesting so I ended up having an emergency C-Section but he arrived perfectly healthy weighing in at 7 pounds 14 ounces and was just over 20 inches long. We LOVE him so much already and he has been such a good baby so far!

      First Family Picture of 4!
      Ready to Leave the Hospital
       Sleeping is the best!
           I can open my eyes!

Monday, June 24, 2013

21 months

Time is flying by.... Maddie is growing up everyday! She is such a fun, sweet girl and we love her to pieces!!! We are also getting excited for baby brother to arrive. I am due in just a little over a month! Other than that nothing too exciting has been going on. We have had fun exploring some parks and outdoor areas close by...and we finally made a day trip up to Nashville. It is getting hot here and we definetly do not enjoy the humidity (and it is only going to get worse!)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

18 Months

I keep meaning to write a more detailed post about Maddie so here is goes! I can't believe she is getting so big, she seems less like a baby everyday.

-She weighs 24 pounds 8 ounces and is a little over 33 inches tall.
-Her hair still isn't long enough to do anything with... but luckily it is growing
-She is an okay eater... her favorites are constantly changing
-She loves to snack... she likes to go and get her snack by herself
-Loves MILK
-Loves to play outside
-Is a good sleeper... She usually sleeps from around 8:00 p.m. to 7:15 a.m. and takes anywhere from an hour and a half to a 3 hour nap.
-Can be really shy around strangers (She will look up or down to avoid even looking at them)
-Is good at entertaining herself with her toys. She likes to play in her kitchen, push her doll around, loves her stuffed animals, and pretend to talk on the phone.
-Loves technology.. cell phones, remotes, tablets, computers, etc.
-Is starting to really like to read books... she has her favorites for sure. She really likes flap books.
-Her favorite time of day is probably bath time! She loves playing in the water!
-Is silly and laughs a lot!
-Loves to spin
-Gets excited everyday when daddy comes home
-Gives lots of hugs and kisses
-Her favorite word is ya
-Likes to help with chores like closing blinds, doing laundry, dusting, getting out place mats, etc.
-climbs on everything (she even climbed out of her crib once)
-Is starting to talk a lot more. (She can say mommy, mom, dada, ya, no, apple, uh oh, bubble, nose, baby, brrr, whee, doggy, bath, cookie, ssss(snake), hello, hi, and bye)
-Likes going to nursery...doesn't seem to care one bit that mom and dad aren't there. She loves the other kids and all the toys.
-Throws little tantrums once in awhile... usually when you tell her no or take something away.
-Sometimes hits... we are working on that one. (So far it has only been to mom or dad)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

P.S. I need to do a real post soon but we did find out we are having a boy! We are so excited!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013


It has been way too long since I have blogged so here are some highlights from the past few months!!!

October- My family (Mom, Dad, Mike, Kimber, Tyler, Daniel, & Nancy) came to visit us. We went to the Smokies for a few days which was beautiful and so much fun! We also visited Chattanooga, a battlefield, and The Space Museum in Huntsville. It was so much fun to be together as a family! I really miss living close!

November- Thanksgiving- Rob's Mom and step-dad came and spent Thanksgiving with us. It was great to be able to spend Thanksgiving with family! Unfortunately Maddie got sick with her first throw up illness and passed it on to me by the end of the weekend. Rob, Marlene, and Neldon were still able to go do some exploring!

December- Christmas!!! We had a great Christmas with just our little family. Maddie was so cute and she made Christmas a lot more fun. She loved her new toys and we enjoyed spending time together as a family.

January- Maddie and I took a trip to Utah at the end of January. It was so fun to spend time with family! It was freezing cold in Utah so we pretty much stayed in doors. I LOVE watching Maddie interact with Grandma & Grandpa and it was nice to be able to do a few things without Maddie. I got to go to the temple, go to dinner with some of my cousins, and spend a day with Amanda & Emma!

 In other news... baby number 2 is due Aug. 1st! We are excited and can't wait to find out if Maddie will have a brother or sister.