Wednesday, April 7, 2010

June, July, August 2009

JUNE 2009
Kaia's 2nd Birthday

Birthday girl

The kids had a blast on the inflatable water slide (thanks to Justin &Brooke!)

We had a 'hot tub' too that the kids enjoyed

Popsicles instead of cake..


She got a kitchen from both sides of family

Parents just hanging out


Daniel was in town! ( & lucky him helped me put the kitchen together til 1 am, he's a good brother)

It was a good day :)

4th of July parade (sadly my only pic of that day which was also Rob's bday)

Get together with friends

Ange's BIG birthday!

Pirate's Cove with the kids

Cade on the rope swing

Cade on the little water slide

Cade and Kaia in one of the pools

Cade jumping off the water fall

Cade & Kaia in the cave

Cade going down the big water slide

fun pics

Enormous teeter totter

Mis pic of the kids

We improvised and had a shower for Kelly in the hospital

Cade's first day of preschool!

He's so excited!

Learning Dynamics- love, love, love!

Walked right in..

Getting to work

So big :)

After his first day we left to Arizona for a week- oops!


Grandpa with Kaia & Blake

My sister-in-law Brooke met me down in Az and we did a little home make-over for my parents. They gave us a budget and we shopped, decorated, and rearranged all week. My mom was a pretty good sport as we tore apart her house. We had a blast!

The kids at a furniture store

Another store- we ended up getting this table

Poor Blake trapped at yet another furniture store

My AC went out in downtown Arizona! Not good.. We got smoothies. The kids were troopers all week.

We forgot to take before pictures but here's what we did on top of the cabinets

We did a photo wall

Finally hung their 2008 Christmas gift of Hawaii temple & added a console table

Decorative cork board for cards, announcements, etc..

New couches!

The new table

Curtains (we haven't cleaned our messes up yet)

It was so fun shopping and decorating all week! Kicking ourselves that we didn't take before pics because the difference is a 180! It was kinda crazy tearing apart the house, we probably should have taken it a little slower (for my mom's sake) but, oh the fun we had ;) Thanks mom and dad!