Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Utah Football!!

Utah vs. UNLV

Go Utes! Redemption for last year!
Special thanks to the Phippenacis for the 1st row invite!

So close we could smell the sweat off the team and even got the trainer to take a Pic!

Utah vs. Oregon State

Go Utes! This one was a real nail biter! Robyn got so excited she nearly peed her pants in the last 1:30 due to all the jumping up and down. We left hoarse and exhausted. AWESOME!

Sorry for revealing the intimate details babe! But it was fun!

The Utes Protected This House!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oh!!! To dance again!

Rick and I can't wait for summer to start because we know the new season of So You Think You Can Dance starts! This has been such a fun season to follow. Amazing talented Dancers. WOW!! . I loved to dance back in the day and so this was fun to be there and to feel all the dancers energy. I had so much fun watching all of my favorite dances. My favorite was with Kate and Joshua-No Air!!! I get chills every time I watch the video. I was a little excited when I was filming, so sorry about the bouncing around. oops! Yes, both are dancing to Chris Brown my new fav. artist for the the moment.

Thanks Ricky for hanging out with us girls, and for being our chauffeur!! Love you!!

Marni,Tracy,Robyn,Meggan and Jill
(Joshua's Angels!)

We had so much fun laughing and reminiscing about are dancing days. Thanks ladies for a fun and memorable night.

Comfort and Twitch~ Forever Kate and Joshua~ No Air

Friday, October 3, 2008

Good Girls Gone Wild in NYC!

For our big 3-0 celebration my friends and I went to NYC !!


Top Five favorites:

1. Taking Ambien for the first time on the red eye...and couldn't stop laughing!

2. Getting to go into Sephora twice. -Thanks for letting me have my time girls!

3. Seeing Xanadu- getting to meet the cast after the show. (Whoopi, Cheyenne Jackson)

4. Shopping - Canal Street, Harold Square, Columbus Circle,Century 21

5. Food- Serendipity- the best carmel sundae , Little Italy, Rosa Mexicano. (Best Mexican)

I didn't sleep for four days, but it was worth it! I must say my favorite of all, was being with my friends. Girl time is much needed. Thank you for making it such a fabulous trip. Love you all and so glad that you are apart of my life. Thanks to Ricky Roo for all his help with the kids. Why is that the kids are always good for their Dad? Luv ya!

NYC Highlights

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sophia Jane

Look Who Turned 1!

I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Sophie Jane has been such a joy in our lives. The boys adore her and can't get enough of her. Sophie has learned to hold her own with two older brothers. We love you Soph and enjoy every moment with you!

A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart~ Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Summer Highlights 2008

Family Lake Powell Trip

Thanks Bennion family for a memorable Powell trip. I celebrated my 30th birthday while we were there and learned how to surf behind the boat. Everyone loved learning something new and can't wait until next year.

Chasers Wakeboarding Lake Powell
Nice Cut!
Chase Conquering the wake!

We were proud of Chase. At first he needed help in the water getting up on the wakeboard. However, when we got too busy to help him as much as he wanted to go, he figured out how to get up all by himself. He also definitely has the skiing/boarding lingo down and can shout orders to the boat driver all too well. "Hit it!" "Take out the Slack!"
Newport Beach California July 2008
We took our little family and enjoyed spending some quality time together! Soaked up the rays, played in the waves and caught up on some much needed rest.
Friends Lake Powell 2008

Thanks to Phippens, Felts, and Hooles for a great and memorable trip. Lucky to have such Great friends!