Imagine for a moment that today was your last day on Earth.(Classic,huh?) Now, make a list for yourself of all the things that you feel you have accomplished, all the things you are proud of, and all the things that make you happy.
Is your car on the list? Your flat tv? Is your salary on the list? Na ah, No. What's on the list are the fundamental elements of a satisfied life - your relationship with your family and friends, the contribution you make to other's live, the celebrated events of your life.
But many of us live day to day as if the opposite were true. Right? Instead of appreciating what is truly important and making that our priority; we collect things and indicators of success without questioning just what success really means for us.
You are neither a better nor worse person for the kind of car you drive, the size of your home, or the performance of your mutual funds.
Remember what really matters in your life.