Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Top 10 for 2011

Well another year is almost over and we want to share our Top 10 memories for 2011:

#10 365 days of sleepless nights...... Seriously 365 nights, the joys of having a new baby in the house.

#9 Aryn started Kindergarten, and Tayten is in 2nd Grade. They are loving school, and their teachers.

#8 Ryan started a new job at Transform Solar, he loves the challenges it brings, and it has provided us with so many blessings.

#7 Attending all Boise State Football & Basketball home games as a family! So much fun!

#6 Tayten & Aryn getting their tonsils out the day before Thanksgiving. We had a long two week recovery, taking meds every 3 hours around the clock the first week.

#5 Aryn scoring 5 goals in one game, she is finally enjoying soccer. She also takes Ballet and did awesome at her dance recital.

#4 Tayten getting his front two teeth knocked out during his first year in flag football (and he kept playing right after it happened, so proud of him). He also enjoyed playing basketball & soccer this year.

#3 Ryan & Monica celebrated 11 years of marriage.

#2 Kellen's first: first smile, first laugh, learning to army crawl, first tooth, walking along furnature, first birthday.

#1 365 days spent together, enjoying the journey!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Boise State plays TCU

Today Boise State played TCU. We lost 36-35, it was so hard to see our Broncos lose. But, we did had so much fun watching the game, and cheering. It is so fun to yell and cheer, jump up and down, dance, high 5 the neighbors, and be so nervous when the game is close. Those are the games you remember!

Brian Stoker and his brother bought the kids tickets.

Ryan's Dad & Gene Sorg.

My Mom & Dad

And us enjoying the game!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!!!!

We Are!!!! We love Bronco football! Game day against Georgia is finally here, and we can not wait for some Bronco Football! Just before the game here we are sporting out Bronco colors!

We also enjoyed some yummy Goodwood BBQ!!! Yummy!!!

Go Boise State!!!!!!! We Bleed Blue!!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic 2011

This year we decided to go to the Night Glow with the hot air balloons~! It was really cool to see them all inflated, and they would fire the balloons which lit them up like lanterns! The kids thought it was pretty cool!

Here is a video of the balloons lit!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Zucchini Fun!

Aryn is such a big helper in the kitchen. We got zucchini from a friend in the ward, so we decided to spend the afternoon making zucchini bread. We were working away when then I notice Kellen. He had roller his walker over to the garbage and had gotten into the shredded skins from the zucchini. He was not sure what to think of them. Fun afternoon in the kitchen!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tayten's Football Jamboree

I did not get a picture of him playing, but I got one of him waiting to take the field, and of us in the cheering crowd. It was fun to watch them play. He says he is enjoying learning the game and playing. Right now he is an offensive lineman, and he is kinda little compared to some of the guys he is guarding. So we have been working with him on catching the ball so hopefully he can start running the ball.

And the cheering crowd! So fun to watch him play!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aryn's First Homework Assignment!

We worked on Aryn's first homework assignment for Kindergarten! She worked so hard to write her name. It is so fun to see them learning and changing everyday! I'm amazed at how fast it is happening! Love my little girl!