Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Katelyn!

Happy Brithday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday dear Katelyn,
Happy Birthday to You!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Babysitters Rock!

Top Ten reasons we love our babysitters:

1. Always Available

2. Play with the kids

3. They actually change diapers

4. They feed the kids

5. Put kids to bed

6. Clean up dinner

7. Sweep the floor

8. Put away the toys

9. They clean off the countertops

#10....reason why we love the babysitters...

They start the dishwasher. Thanks! Next time I will make sure I leave the dish soap under the sink and the dishwasher detergent out on the counter.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


This first picture was from the dance rehearsal on Friday. Katelyn swung her arms proud and marched forward and backwards, just like a beautiful princess would, who is almost four at her first dance recital. Robbie took her to the recital on Saturday and said she did a great job! They took the girls on stage when it was dark, and when the lights came on she hid her face for the first few notes, but then proudly danced to Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah.

Because babies grow up to fast...

On Saturday, Tanner will be 5 months does time pass so quickly?

Saturday is a SpEcIaL dAy.....

This tree USED to be 12-15 feet to the left. My mighty, strong, non-sunburned, sore muscles husband (with a little help from two friends,) transplanted this tree on Saturday to make room for a much wanted and needed shed.