Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Birthday? no it today or tomorrow?

I seem to have trouble remembering Robert's b-day. At one time I truly believed his birthday was May 26. Last night I told someone his birthday was on the 25th. Yesterday, May 23 we sang Happy Birthday (twice) and had cake (once).

Just a few minutes ago we had this conversation:

Robert: "I am still 3."
Mom: "No, your real birthday is today, so now you are 4!"
Robert: "No Mom, I measured and I am still 3."
Mom: "No your four today." (holding up four fingers)
Robert: "I measured and Max is still taller than me so I am still 3."

I love you Robert! Happy Birthday and yes you are 4!

McD's I'm lovin it....

We were at McD's to day and I had a coupon that read:

"Free Happy Meal with any purchase.
(Excluding $1 menu items.)"

My order was 4 Happy Meals and one any size drink for $1.00

The cashier tells me, "You can't use this coupon because it excludes $1.00 menu items."

ME: "okay, so I will just get the 4 happy meals and use the coupon and then get the drink in a separate transaction."

:) You gotta love smart people! :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Lion Queen


Boys golfing in the mud.

Boys golfing in the snow.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why I don't home school...

The other night I was helping Katelyn with her homework which was to read a story and write two sentences.

Mom: Start your second sentence with "When" you are not supposed to start a sentence with and.
(Something we are working on...she is the queen of run on sentences and will keep adding words on to her story and keeps writing and keeps making words without using ending marks and just keeps joining her thoughts with ands instead of forming sentences.)

Katelyn: Fine! Then I am not a good writer!

Mom: You are a good writer - you just can't start a sentence with and.

Katelyn: Well if I am a good writer that let me write how I want to write and I want to write and because it sounds right to me.

Her sentence: In the rain I like to Splash! Splash! in the puddles. and When the rain stops I see a rainbow.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another Katelynism

"I thought I just had to have good manners at birthday parties."

As we were leaving the party and Katelyn was putting on her shoes, "and Mom I didn't even ask if I could have a goodie bag." Good job Katelyn, but next time tell me when the Birthday boy's Mom isn't standing right there...(FYI they didn't give out goodie bags.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Soda Cans for Service!

Looking for a reason to kick that drink less soda off your New Year's Resolution list? I have the perfect excuse to drink more and save your cans.

I am collecting soda cans to give to my neighbor to turn in to the Recycling Center for money. If you would like to save your cans for me and you live by me, (sorry no out of state trips Mom!) I can collect your cans every other week just like the Recycling truck.

Why am I doing this? My neighbor has a daughter with severe health issues and are currently trying to get her into the Mayo Clinic. Also, my neighbor recently found out her mother has cancer. It is treatable, but will have to have surgery and may have to undergo Chemo treatments. At the bus stop my neighbor commented that her parents collect cans and said, "some months it is the difference between having gas money or not for them." I throw my soda cans in my recycling box or sometimes the garbage, so if I can get in the habit of just throwing them in a separate box or bag for my neighbor, then I know you can too. If you want me to come collect your soda cans let me know and happy drinking to you!