Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sandbox Fun

Well part one of the yard is almost complete.. the sandbox. It was funny to see Caden play in it. He wasnt so sure what to do with it at first, but he started having a great time real quick. He even decided to give it a taste. Uck. All Tommy could say was "take a picture".


We went down to Miller Motor Sport Park today to watch the NASCAR camping world series.

Ryan, Joni, Caden, Charles, and Tommy.

The cars were pretty loud so we tried to keep Caden's ears covered. He thought it was funny for a little while. He got really excited when the cars drove in front of us.

It was HOT but we had fun!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Craig got married!!!

So I am kinda behind on my blogging so I am making a few posts today. One note worthy event is on June 11th my brother got married. It was a really long, but nice day. My brothers tux was AWESOME thats all I can say. I posted a couple pics from the day below.

First Hair Cut

So we finally gave Caden his first hair cut. He did not like it, that is until he experienced the joy of his first non baby cookie. He was in heaven after that.

Introducing our handsome guy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well its that time of year...Lagoon. My sister bought our family season passes. So we have a fun summer ahead. Caden isnt quite tall enough to do much but we enjoyed just walking the park in the nice spring weather . Caden is able to go on a few rides. He loved the merry go round, the train and the ferris wheel.

My little cookie taster

Well my big boy is now at a total of 6 teeth. He got his first two a few months ago and then just recently the four top ones hit us. So we are trying to do some finger foods. He LOVES it but man is it messy. He likes to gag on them and really scare his mom and dad. I swear I will never give him another cookie but who could say no to this cute face...I cant. Man I LOVE being his mom!

We are working on the chewing thing.

New Bed

So I havent blogged in forever but I think I have finally got my computer figured out so maybe I can commit to posting more than once every 5 months or so. So I will probably post a few things today.. First off the new bed. Cade was using a crib that my parents gave me and it was perfect for him at first but he grew out of it. So we invested in the new bed. I want to just sit and watch him all night because he is just so fun to watch sleep. He is crazy... But he loves his new bed

Thursday, January 8, 2009


So I can not find my camera which is really frusterating so for now my posts will be pictureless. The last time I remember seeing it was on christmas day and we visited a few houses. so if anyone has found a camera please let me know.
So anyway Caden just had his 6 month check up yesterday and i guess he isnt growing as much as i thought he was. He is in the 50 percent on his height at 26 1/2 inches. 25 percent on his head. 3 percent on his weight at 13 lbs 5 oz. So we started solid foods today. So far he isnt a fan, but we will keep on working at it. He is happy and healthy. Just built like his dad tall and skinny.