Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween and Happy birthday!

What a great Halloween. We really did it all this year, we trick-or-treated, trunk-or-treated, went to a great Halloween party, celebrated a birthday and ate way to many treats! Nothing but fun!

The tourists!

Our sweet little Tinkerbell!

Our beautiful blue fairy!
Lilly finally turned 4! She was very excited for this birthday because all her friends were four so she could not wait to be four herself. She is a wonderful little girl and a great blessing. We are so grateful for her outgoing personality, her loving little spirit and for her ability to make Rhett and myself laugh even when we are hoping mad.
Lilly we love you so much, you are a joy to have in our family!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Addiction!

So, last summer when I was pregnant with Ruby I formed an ugly addiction! Every night before I would go to bed, I would fix myself a big bowl of cold cereal. You need to understand when I'm pregnant I am always hungry. It doesn't matter what time of the day, it doesn't even matter if I've just finished a seven course meal I am always hungry! So, during my nine months of pregnancy I fell in love with my nightly bowl of cold cereal. Now I know your thinking that's not so bad, it's OK to have a bowl of cereal every night when your pregnant but I CAN'T give it up! I have been unpregnant for over a year now and I still need that nightly bowl of cereal! I have tried very unsuccessfully to stop consuming every night but those cereals taunt me from my pantry! All I can think about is the cold milk and the sweet crispy taste of my favorite food. When I go grocery shopping I find myself spending more time on the cereal isle than any other isle. I will buy five, six boxes at a time and go through them in what I honestly think is record time. So, it is what it is! I really don't think I can change what I am, a ravenous carb loving cereal consumer! So much for the remaining pregnancy lbs I just haven't been able to lose!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Marley the Kangaroo!

This last Sunday Rhett's sister Crystal invited us over to meet her new friend Marley the kangaroo. Marley belongs to (now hang on to your shorts this may get confusing) Crystal's sister in laws mother in law. The mother in law, from what I understand, took the baby kangaroo from a kangaroo farm and will raise her till she is about eighteen months old and then send her back. Sweet little Marley gets to spend her time at a nursing home where she helps to cheer up some of the patients there. They just let her hop up and down the hallways and interact with the people. We had such a great time with her! The girls loved petting her soft fur and watching her hop around the yard. It was awesome! Thanks Crystal for the great experience is was a blast!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summer Fun!

Summer is my favorite time of year. I love the hot weather, the warm beautiful nights, I love that it doesn't get dark till ten and the fact that there is always something going on, family barbecue's, vacations, swimming, rodeo's you know what I mean. It's such a busy time of year but I love every minuet of it. I always feel a little sad when kids start going back to school and the scheduling and rhythm of everyday life start to kick in again. Luckily this summer we were able to have a little back to back vacationing so my cup is feeling quite full right now. We went to Lake Powell for a week with Rhett's family, came home for three days and left for Jackson Hole with my family. Needless to say we have ended the summer with a bang and I am almost tired of packing and unpacking (Honestly I could probably go for one more week)! So, here are some pictures of our wonderful trips. We had a blast in Powell and Jackson, both such beautiful places with ton's of fun for the taking!

Lake Powell

Lilly and her cute cousin Alexis. They were trying to pretend to be asleep but funny Alexis couldn't stop smiling!

Lil and Alexis on the tube. They were so funny! They chanted faster faster the entire time and Lilly was in the thumbs up position the whole time, you know to get get the point across that she really did want to go faster. We couldn't get her to hold on to the tube with both hands. Fortunately after she was thrown from the tube she decided that maybe she would hold on with both hands!

Here is brave little Lilly water skiing for the first time. She did a great job and held on with all her might! The picture above this is She and Rhett. After she fell Rhett jumped in to help her. He was so proud and so was she!

Here we have Rhett showing off his water skiing skills!

And Rhett committing the ultimate crime!

And cute little Ruby happy as a lark, probably because she got to go mostly nude the entire time we were there. Who needs clothes anyway!

Jackson Hole

Once again Ruby! very cute!

Lilly and her posse guarding the stairs.

Ok, seriously the ugliest but funniest big foot I have ever seen! Honestly! take a good look at his face he is almost smiling! The funny part was that both my girls were totally freaked out. Especially Lil, she wouldn't even look at him!

My wonderful dad helping Ruby on our walk around Jenny lake.

Myself and my girls outside the Jackson lake lodge! Beautiful!

And lastly, Lilly, who had this pretty little butterfly land on her shirt!

So there it is our last hoorah! Lots of fun and lots of memories for the Zito family!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's your bithday!

We have had a week of birthdays this week at the Zito household. Ruby just turned 1 on the 31st of July and My wonderful husband Rhett turned 28 on the 4th of August. We had a party for Ruby on Saturday night with our families. Ruby was a blast to watch. She loved her cake and presents along with big sister Lilly who was more than willing to help her with all the birthday fun; blowing out the candles, opening the presents, playing with the presents and anything else that looked fun. Luckily Ruby was a little overwhelmed by it all so she didn't seem to mind the extra help.

Ruby's actual birthday was the same day as Rhett's sisters wedding. Megan being the wonderful aunt that she is had a cake made in honor of Ruby for the reception that she got to smash and eat. It was so fun and it was such a cute cake before Ruby smashed it!

My wonderful husband turned 28 yesterday, as I mentioned above. Now I don't want to get to sappy here as I know there are few people who like to read somebody else's sweet nothings. But I want my Rhettster to know what a great husband and father he is. I really appreciate his desire to work so hard for our family and for the effort he makes to balance work and home. He puts up with my craziness, makes me laugh a lot, and is quick to tell me "babe you look hot" (meaning, wow my wonderful wife you look smashing today, in Rhett language) even when I feel or know that I don't look that "hot"! I love you, always and forever!