Monday, January 25, 2010

We're thinking blue!!!!

We are having a Boy! I went to the doctor last Wednesday, by myself mind you because Rhett has been band from doctors appointments. For some reason he has some issues with my doctor because he likes to guess the gender of babies especially ours pretty early on in the pregnancy. He told us Ruby was a boy at first and then we went back the next month and surprise she was a girl. Rhett was so ticked off about the surprise change, he was extremely rude to my doctor and I was extremely embarrassed! So Rhett has been baned from Doctor visits on this pregnancy until we knew for sure the gender. So, back to last Wednesday, I went in totally assuming we were having another girl but it's a boy. I think Rhett and I have both been in shock a little this week. We are so used to girls and pink and princesses and dress ups that thinking about boy stuff seems a little unreal but we are super excited! We can't wait to have another little Rhett in the family! Now if we can only figure out what to name the little guy! And no Rhett has not been officially invited back to the doctors appointments yet. He's on probation for a while till I can be totally sure he will be on his best behavior! We'll see how he does on the next appointment.