Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend! So fun!

We had a fantastic Easter this year. We went to multiple Easter egg hunts, where Lilly became an amazing egg/treat hunter.

Rhett helped her weed through all the candy and was happy to relieve her of any tasty treats that caught his eye. He is very good at making sure our girls don't eat to much junk food!

On our way home from our Saturday morning hunt we stopped by a fire department that was having an open house. It was so fun! They had all the fire trucks out and let the kids climb in them and roam around.

They let the kids use the hose to put out their own special fire (which was really a bright orange cone). The firefighters were all extremely nice and patient with our crazy kids running around.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter Pictures

We had a great time this week getting our Easter pictures taken. My Aunt Alyana was nice enough to take the pictures for me. We had so much fun with the little chicks! Lilly had a great time laughing at them try to fly away from her. She also got a real kick out of the poop! That's right folks, with chicks come poop! and lots of it! We would take a picture and clean up the poop, then take a picture and clean up the poop again. Lot's of laughs!

Notice this chick in mid stride! My girls were mesmerized!
Now it's not every photographer who is willing to deal with live animals and live children. But thanks to her we have some memorable Easter photos. So, lets give a hearty thanks to aunt Alayna!

Monday, March 10, 2008


A few weeks ago we took our girls to Disneyland! Rhett's parents who are always a pleasure to be around came with us and we had a fantastic time in the happiest place on earth! Both our girls loved seeing the characters and Ruby loved all the bright colors and sitting in her stroller face forward for the first time! very exciting!

When we planned the vacation Rhett and I had both agreed that we would not tell Lilly that we were going until the night before we were leaving. Unfortunately our plan was unsuccessful. I will confess it was mostly my fault the cat was let out of the bag, but I felt I had good reason. I think every mother has experienced driving home at seven or seven thirty in the evening and watching their toddlers little head in the rear view mirror bobbing up and down with drowsiness and knowing full well that if they fall asleep they will be up all night. Well I experience that on a regular basis with Lil. I found that if I brought up Disneyland on the way home that she bounced back to life in seconds! she would suddenly become alive with excitement and tell me all about the princesses she was going to see and rides she was going to ride, it was a very useful little tool!
Lilly loved Disneyland. She loved seeing all the princesses, riding all the rides and gazing at all the wonderful toys in the shops. Our only complaint with her was that she had a annoying little habit of waiting to go to the bathroom until we approached the front of a line we had been waiting in, which usually resulted in Rhett waiving over an employee, explaining the situation, racing Lilly to the bathroom and running back to the ride while the rest of us prayed he'd make it back before we all got on.

We spent a lot of our time on the Fantasy Land rides, which I have to admit I love (it's just a good thing I have kids to take with me so I don't look like a total nerd riding the kiddie rides by myself). Lilly's favorite rides were: Alice in wonderland, Mr. Toads wild ride, peter pan (because she loves Tinkerbell), The Matterhorn or "Big Mountain" as she calls it(Rhett insisted that Lilly go on this ride. I thought she would be scared to death and screaming in terror so I was quite surprised to see she and Rhett walking off the ride laughing and smiling, she loved it) and Autopia or " the funny one" which once again is Lilly's name for it (Rhett took her on this ride along with uncle bob. They let Lil drive and she bounced all over the road laughing hysterically!).