Monday, January 25, 2010

We're thinking blue!!!!

We are having a Boy! I went to the doctor last Wednesday, by myself mind you because Rhett has been band from doctors appointments. For some reason he has some issues with my doctor because he likes to guess the gender of babies especially ours pretty early on in the pregnancy. He told us Ruby was a boy at first and then we went back the next month and surprise she was a girl. Rhett was so ticked off about the surprise change, he was extremely rude to my doctor and I was extremely embarrassed! So Rhett has been baned from Doctor visits on this pregnancy until we knew for sure the gender. So, back to last Wednesday, I went in totally assuming we were having another girl but it's a boy. I think Rhett and I have both been in shock a little this week. We are so used to girls and pink and princesses and dress ups that thinking about boy stuff seems a little unreal but we are super excited! We can't wait to have another little Rhett in the family! Now if we can only figure out what to name the little guy! And no Rhett has not been officially invited back to the doctors appointments yet. He's on probation for a while till I can be totally sure he will be on his best behavior! We'll see how he does on the next appointment.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Super Slacker!

OK, so I have been a super blog slacker! I really feel like life has literally flown by the last 6 months. We had a wonderful summer Rhett and I both ran a 10k together for the Kaysville 4th of July celebration. We took a couple of fun family vacations and enjoyed every second of the sun shinning and warm weather.

Since summer our little fam has stayed really busy with family, birthdays, friends, preschool, dance lessons, and Rhett has been so busy with work that I honestly almost forgot I had a blog. But here I am rededicating myself to more updates and keeping up with the events of the Zito family!!!

So in that spirit of keeping up with the events of our family I thought I should start out this almost new year by letting everyone know that we are expecting our 3rd baby!!! We are so so excited for baby number three. We don't know what we are having yet but my guess is another girl since that seems to be what the good Lord thinks we do best! I am due the beginning of July, yes another summer baby. I swore after Ruby I wasn't going to do the summer pregnancy thing again but here we are! Lilly and Ruby have been fun and excited about the whole thing. Lilly is determined she is getting a baby brother and we are naming him Rino! Wow, she may be disappointed on both ends but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. So there's the update for now and a promise for much more to come!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Turquoise Terrors!!

OK so I know I have been posting a lot about my little chitlins lately but yes there's more! The last couple of weeks Lilly has been playing t-ball on the totally awesome Turquoise Terrors team! I'm telling you if you ever need an evening full of laughs and hilarious blunders come to one of our t-ball games. Let me just mention a few priceless moments.
One, Lilly is up to bat (hooray), she strikes out on her first try (lame) on her second attempt she hits the ball into center field. She then stands there as Rhett, myself and her Aunt Amy all yell for her to run, run Lilly run, well never having played t-ball before she runs, that's right she runs straight into center field. We then are all yelling no Lilly no first base run to first base! Where is first bases though, she doesn't know so to second base she goes until her dad finally gets her attention and guides her to first base where she awaits the next confusing moment when she has to figure out where aim her super fast legs!
Two, Lilly and her cousin Alexis (the darling girl next to Lilly in the picture above) are position in center field right next to the pictures mound, the opposing team is up to bat. Lil and Alexis squat down in their,"I'm ready for anything" pose, knees bent hands up and ready to catch the flying torpedo that is the ball. The batter hits and Alexis gets the ball unfortunately she is so excited she has the ball she forgets what she is supposed to do with it. She jumps up and down in total excitement looks at her mom screaming mom look I got the ball, I got the ball! Mean while we are once again yelling, throw the ball Alexis throw the ball!
Three, Lilly is outfield she is not so sure about this. Batting was awesome she got to run all over the place. Everyone cheered for her when she hit the ball and she felt amazing about herself but being outfield is a little boring.... and hot..... and she never gets the ball so she decides she is tired and is just going to lay down in the middle of the field and wait for this boring part to get over, and that is exactly what she does!!
Sounds like fun doesn't it!

Another monumental moment in Lilly's life this year was her preschool graduation! We had such a wonderful time listening to all the wonderful songs she learned this year. She also had the opportunity to recite Ba Ba Black Sheep in front of everyone there all by herself and she did and amazing job. I also just wanted to say thank you to Rhett's sister Amy, who was her teacher this year. She was an amazing teacher and always so patient with Lil so thanks Amy we love you!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Being a Mommy!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about being a mom. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that it was mothers day last week but I have been feeling very blessed for the two beautiful girls Rhett and I have been given to raise and take care of. Definitely there are a lot of challenges that come with being a mom i never even thought about before I had kids. I think back when Rhett and I were first married and I was working full time, I would seriously day dream about the day when I would be a mom and just be able to stay home all day and hang out with my babies. It's a funny concept to me now, dreaming about staying home all day. As much as i love being a stay at home mom there are more challenges than I dreamed about during my working years. But when it comes right down to it there is not a thing I would change. I love being a mom. What better career could I have for myself than to be actively raising two wonderful kids. I love that I get to wake up to my tiny little Ruby crawling in bed with me every morning. I love that every time we get in the car we have to listen to the "I've got no strings song" from Pinocchio or "it's a small world" the entire car ride and my girls sing non stop. I love that Lilly loves to collect box elder bugs in her bug catcher and always tries to sneak them inside the house. I love how excited both of them get when Rhett gets home from work. I think it's funny( I don't know if i love it) that every time Lilly does something she knows she shouldn't do and gets caught she blames it on Ruby even if we watched her do it. I love that Ruby tries to say and do everything Lilly does. I love that Lilly wants to have a sleepover in Ruby's room every night. I love watching my girls help Rhett in the yard. I love that Lilly finds a new friend everywhere we go; Costco, the grocery store, the park, restaurants, everywhere! I love the "I love you moms", I love the hugs and the kisses and those rare moments when both my girls are sleeping and they look so peaceful. I am so grateful that I get to be apart of and see all the memorable moments in my girls lives. It's the best job I've ever had!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This year for Easter we decided to head on up to Fish Lake with my family where we partook in a killer Easter egg hunt in the snow. It was a little weird getting my girls suited up in all their snow gear for the Easter egg hunt instead of their cute Easter dresses like we normally do but they had a great time and it was very nice to get away and enjoy the beautiful mountains.

We came home Sunday evening were the girls found that the Easter bunny had visited them. They had just enough time to check out their baskets before heading off to the Zito Family Easter party where they had another wonderful Easter egg hunt and a yummy dinner. It was definitely a Happy Easter!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lilly and Ruby

Well I've been wanting to do a post about my girls for a while now and I find it funny that the moment I sit down to write about how fun and cute they are I find myself in a place of tears and fury. Ruby is crying because the peaches she decided were icky and would not eat are now being devoured by Lilly. Lilly is mad because I won't get her any more cheese, so now she has to eat Ruby's peaches which she thinks are very tasty but she's upset because they are in a yellow bowl instead of the cute pink one she loves. Oh the drama! Fortunately they really are still fun and cute even through the tears and emotions.

Lilly was the "star of the week" in preschool a couple of week ago where she got to tell about herself and bring fun pictures to show her class. One of the subjects she talked about was, what she wanted to be when she grows up. Well, I am happy to report that Rhett and myself will be the proud parents of Wonder Woman when Lilly grows up. We are so excited to have a super hero in our future to fight our battles against evil! I love that Lil wants to be Wonder Woman. It's so her. She is such a girl in the sense that she wants to be pretty and play with beautiful toys but she also has this funny side where she wants to be strong and fast. She doesn't want to be a boy but she wants to be able to hang with them. Lilly is such an upbeat kid. She loves people and friends, animals, climbing, jumping and anything pink. What a gal!!!

Ruby is my little singer. She loves music and she loves to dance. She walks around all day singing the ABC song, the itsy bitsy spider, apples and bananas and my personal favorite, Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell all the way. Some how we failed to teacher her that it's jingle bells not Tinkerbell, someday we will break the news to her but for now I'm really enjoying the Tinkerbell song. She loves her sister and wants to eat, play, wear and do everything she is doing. Every morning when she wakes up she asks where Lil is but she calls her Yo or Yowee. She is so cute and learning so much everyday. It's amazing the amount of growth and progress these little babies make in just one year, although we are feeling a little short changed when it comes to hair growth! We are really hoping to make some real progress in that area this next year! She loves mom and dad, both her grandmas and grandpas and snuggling up with a blanket and a big bottle of chocolate milk!! I love my girls and feel very blessed to be their mother.

Friday, March 6, 2009

2009 Disneyland Trip

Well, It was another amazing trip to Disneyland. This is really is a place I don't think I could ever get sick of. Our family has so much fun there and every time we come home we can't wait to go back! So here is our family picture with Minnie. Rhett decided to get a little action while he was there. She is pretty irresistible!!

Lilly and Ruby with their cousins Korben, Hallee and Ellee after going on Mr. Toads wild ride. Ruby was an awesome driver on this ride. She really turned that steering wheel with a vengeance!

One of my favorite Characters to see! Mary Poppins! Lilly had so much fun talking to Mary and Burt. She even serenaded them with jingle bells and frosty the snowman. They were so funny and told her that she has a beautiful voice and after that comment we had a hard time getting her to stop singing so that we could take a picture!

Lilly waiting in her cockroach cave while we waited for the awesome bugs life show to start.

Here we have Ruby next to WALLE! She had a little soft spot for this guy. She kept saying his name over and over, I think in the picture she is actually in mid word saying WAAALLLEE!

And of course our little climber had to have her picture on top of the poor guy!

Another family picture with Dumbo!

Princesses! We love them!!

This was one of Lilly's favorite rides! She had a blast driving the cars and kept bumping into the cars in front of her. I was a little worried she was going to get in trouble for being such a crazy driver but nobody seemed to care to much.

Riding the Carousel!
This was by far Ruby's favorite ride! She could not get enough of it! We road it everyday we were there!

The Sword in the Stone! It's in there good, trust me!!

Ruby riding Alice in Wonderland with Grandma Jo and Grandpa Chad! We were so happy to have some of Rhett's family with us on our trip. His parents and his sister Crystal and her family were there and a few of his aunts met us there as well. We all had a great time together!

Lilly and Grandma Jo in the tea cups.

Kiddos in front of the White Rabbits house. Too bad nobody was home!

Lilly and Pluto

Ruby feeling like she is is jail while waiting in line.

Lil and Goofy

Chip and Dale with the girls. Notice Dale holding Lilly's pig tales! He was funny.

Another family photo. This one is on Casey Jr in the pink monkey cage!

Rhett, Donald and Lil

This was one of the highlights of the trip for Lilly. She is a huge Tinkerbell fan and we had a great time in Pixie Hollow with the fairies! This is one of Tinkerbell's friends, Silvermist!

And now for the main attraction! Tinkerbell!

Tinkerbell said she wanted a picture with Ruby but what she didn't know was that Ruby was very stinky at that point and in desperate need of a diaper change so we did the picture but told Tinkerbell she might not want to get to close!