Friday, April 19, 2013


Well I haven't had as much time to take pictures as I wanted.  We have been running a house hunting marathon.  Our realtor has had appointments for us back to back, so it has been long days! We went through our top picks again today. Here are a few pics I took from when we first drove into town from Washington D.C.
These purple trees are blossoming everywhere.  They are called Red Buds.

Home Sweet Home

Yahoo SVU!!

This evening we went to Glen Maury park here in Buena Vista.  We wanted to go on a hike or walk but it was raining, so I just took some pictures.  This train is for Dallin and Ridge to look forward to climbing on!

Can't wait for those evenings at the park!  Doesn't this play place look fun?
Spencer and Porter, here is your river to fish in
This is a cool building at the park right next to the playground
As you can tell it is soooo beautiful and green here!  We have been on some gorgeous drives through lush green hills passing quaint farmhouses nestled up in the trees.  It has been so fun.  We have looked through so many houses, even one from the 1800s, and another couple from the early 1900s.  They have a lot of character...neat trim, wood floors, a parlor, etc.  However, we made an offer on a house today that is a more contemporary style.  We find out Monday if they accept it.    Oh, and by the way-  Maren is no longer a pretty little thing.  She's a perty lil thang.  Houses have baydrooyms not bedrooms.  And y'all is excited for us to come home tamorrah night, right?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Virginia Here We Come!

We are off of to Virginia to house hunt.  The kids wanted me to post pics every day so they know what we are up too.  Good Uncle Jeff is risking his life this week holding the fort down with 6 kids.
So, hi kids, how are you doing? 
This is for you Spencer.  A big eagle picture that was in the Jackson airport

Mare Bear waiting for daddy to get out of the bathroom so we can go through security

Kami, I thought you'd like this cool hand dryer in the bathroom

Cool pics on the wall of the airport

Dallin, this is our airplane at the Jackson Hole airport.  The windows mean it is a passenger plane.  It was small compared to the big jet we flew in from Denver to DC!  Maren cried really hard the last part of the trip because her ears hurt!!
This is Maren asleep on the plane.  It didn't last long, as I had hoped!

Well bye, I'll post more later!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

4 Weeks Old!

Little Maren is already 4 weeks old!  She is such a happy girl and sleeps really well.
She has a great love for her binky.

Maren was blessed on Sunday, Decembetr 2nd.  Her daddy gave her a special blessing.  This dress was the same one Mommy, Lindsey, and Kami were all blessed in.

Sisters!  Maren has got to be the most well loved baby around.

Kami reading her scriptures to Maren.

All dressed up and ready to go out.  She loves her carseat and once the car starts moving will sleep and sleep while I do errands.

Maren Ella

Maren Ella
Born on Tuesday, November 13th, 2012  9:07 am
8 lbs 5 oz
 21 inches

Welcoming the new little sister

Sweet Moments

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy October!

Well I finally caught up on our blog!  We are enjoying fall now, and have enjoyed the beautiful weather that comes with it! (however, today it snowed and is still coming down!)
Lindsey had fun posing Ridge at the grocery story while I ran in to buy a few things.
That is one big spider!

September 2012

With summer over, we started school in September.  We worked hard the first couple weeks getting into a routine, and that has heleds things sail along nicely.  We are studying Medieval times, and have worked through the Barbarians and Monks, and Muhammed/Islam.  We are onto Charlemagne, and will soon visit the Vikings and Lief Erickson before delving into knights and castles.  

Lindsey has enjoyed Apologia General Science this year.  She has especially had fun with the science experiments.  One day she set up a stage on the porch, and made invitations for the kids to come at a certain time to watch her show.  She even made them all carmel popcorn. 

It was really cute as she demonstrated the things she had been learning.

Learning about density.

Ridge is her right hand man.

August 2012
Happy Birthday Dallin!

Dallin is our big 5 year old now!
He is growing up and is in the funnest stage.  He is so curious always asking questions, and has a huge imagination.  

He really likes boats, and Ryan was able to take the kids canoeing down the Snake River in a real boat before the weather got too cold.  The little boys loved it!