Sunday, October 26, 2008

Primary Program

One of the best Sunday's all year is the Primary Program. But it's also so hard because you can't take pictures in Sacrament meeting. The answer to this dilemma is to take pictures during their practice.

About 90% of both kids and leaders showed up to practice on friday afternoon from 2:30-4pm. It was amazing how co-operative everyone was to make it a success.

Two thumbs up for all the hard really paid off!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Welcome Adrianna June Willey

She is finally here.
Born 10-19-08 @ 5:52 pm
She was 8 lbs 5 ozs and 21 inches long at birth.

Baby and mom are very healthy and doing well.

Thanks, The Willey family

Monday, October 13, 2008

Vote Ryan Lever for "Mr Miner Man"

(written by Christie Lever)

So, Ryan was nominated for "Mr. Miner Man." I am still trying to figure out exactly what this is and as far as I can tell it is like a "beauty pageant" for guys.

There will be a sophomore, junior, and senior winner.

Ryan has to dress up like a movie character, do a dance with the drill team, answer questions and perform a talent.

The winner is chosen with audience vote, so the more supporters there for Ryan, the better!

This will take place October 28th (Tuesday) at 7:00 pm. You can purchase tickets for the event from any Minerette (we have several in our ward) for the pre-sale price of $3.00/person or $15.00/family. Tickets will also be sold the night of the show for $5.00/person.

Jennie and I will be out of town for this, so I am trying to drum up additional support for Ryan. If you are able to attend, please come and cheer for Ryan!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Don't Worry...Be Happy!

Wednesday October 8th, we had a joint fireside with the Young Women. Our guest speaker was Dr. Gary Taylor from the 1st Ward. He spoke about the stresses in our everyday lives.

Changing the way we look at "Have to do this" and changing it to "I'm lucky to do this" lowers your stress level. We all have choices to make in this life...

If you want to borrow the DVD that was made, please see a member of the Relief Society Presidency.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Youth Stake Standards Night

On Wednesday October 1st, it was Stake Youth Standards Night. The speaker was Anthony Sweat who is a Seminary President and has written a book entitled "Why?" about why church members do the things they do.

He pointed out that many youth know the gospel answers to the "what"s but not the "why"s as much. If we try to do missionary work, when we are asked "why?", it isn't very convincing to say, 'the prophet said so'.

The Lord wants us to know why we do things not simply blind obedience. There is a real reason for every commandment. He spoke about why we repent, stay sexually pure, have uplifting friends, and pray often.

One example that hit me was when he was talking about the importance of prayer. He read us a study that an average teen sends sixty text messages a day. If only they would communicate with their Father in Heaven that many times per day.

He ended with a strong testimony of the things he had spoken about that evening. After the prayer, the youth rushed to the gym for some doughnuts.
Written by: Valesca Throckmorton

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stake Relief Society Dinner

Saturday September 27th our Stake Relief Society arranged a dinner for all the Sisters prior to the General Relief Society Meeting at the Conference Center.

The High Council & members of the Stake Presidency served dinner to the Sisters.

Speakers that evening were Julie B. Beck who spoke on "Fulfilling the Purpose of Relief Society. Siliva Allred spoke on "Holy Temples, Sacred Covenants", Barbara Thompson spoke on "Now Let Us Rejoice" and President Dieter Uchtdorf's talk was titled "Happiness, Your Heritage".

For more information go to the church website to either listen to the their talks or to read them.,6220,285,00.html

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Elder Anderson Update

Richard arrived in Sao Paulo at about 5:30 am on Wednesday, September 17...He was on the plane for about 12 1/2 hours, not including a layover in Dallas. He said he was able to stretch out on the flight from Dallas to Brazil and "had a nice 10 hour nap." He settled into the "CTM" in Brazil and was assigned to his new companion from Virginia. Here are some excerpts from his letters:

"Greetings from sunny/rainy Brazil. Today is my P day and I went to the temple outside of Sao Paulo...Things are a bit different here...The trees aren't as green as in Utah. It's beautiful though. There are slums like you've never seen. The language is coming easier now.

Yesterday, our teacher Alinnie wasn't feeling well and she asked us if one of us would give her a blessing...I didn't give it but the spirit was amazing...missionaries have a sacred power...

Rice and beans are the best part about eating...everyone has gained weight, but I don't want to see how much I have...

Richard seems to be doing great, even though his new, cheap watch has already disappeared!

(Written by The Anderson Family)