And for the record- Grease is a great movie. If the internet worked better I would seriously post a youtube clip from Grease Lightning because it is the greatest musical number in all of history and John Travolta was an amazing dancer with a super rockin' bod before he became the fat closet case he is today. Seriously, watch it! It's super campy, the guys in it wear rolled-sleeve t-shirts, tight rolled up jeans and hi-top Converse as all guys should, it has fabulous saturated color and is filmed great, the Pink Ladies are mean and fierce, especially Rizzo, and with the exception of "Hopelessly Devoted to You" and a few others, the songs and dance numbers are amazing. Beauty School Drop-Out? Tell me it's not brilliant. Plus I like the message: There's nothing wrong with being a slut. In every other movie, Rizzo would have totally committed suicide at the end as a lesson to Sandy. I used to watch this movie ten times a week as a child and then of course decided it was uncool later on. How wrong I was.