Saturday, April 29, 2023

48 kg One arm swings 12 x 5/5, 48 kg belt squats 3 x 10, pullaparts

 This was a very good session and I (re) learned a few things

There is a distinct difference in the 48 and above kb bells that really requires a different technique than even the 44 kg for me

With the 44 kg and below I can just focus on locking my knees and not get pulled forward. With the 48 and above I HAVE to lean back as I lockout or I just can't get decent height and a strong standing plank

Took me three sets to remember that.Also, if I don't it puts tons o stress on my grip and wrist

 Also in general I've found myself not re breathing in ( sniffing ) fast enough after the lockout and not getting maximum breath tension. When I really focus on the sniff I'm just that much stronger

 On the belt squats instead of using the bikram grip I decided to  just clench my hand hard at the bottom and that helped increase total body tension as well
Much stronger

We went fast today, too. No more than 1.5 min rest/sets. Lungs held up well

Pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 175.4
BF 13.0 ( bath )
W 57.0

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Heat Ruck 3 miles

 Not bad for the first hot ruck of the season.  About 85 degree and 12:15 start! But mind was good and I was ready to sweat.

And sweat I did

First two laps at 8:30 per laps

Next mile at 16:45

Second mile at 16:20

Last 1/2 mile at 7:45

Very happy with this effort especially since I missed the last two thursdays

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

175 x 2 paused x 2 ,185 x 2 paused x 5 sets, 195 x 2 paused x 5 sets ( PR) 20 kg swings wt pushups

 This went very very well. The setup went like this:

1) Unrack then push hips forward( belt to garage door)

2) Then lean back from shoulders 

3) Pause call 

4) Drive hips to initiate press and press straight up

5) Re drive hips again at sticking point

If I don't do hips forward first I fall back

If I lean back enough after first hip set I don't have to worry about X

Hard to find the right setup position on the second rep. Next week I'll just pause the first and touch and go the second

185 x 2 paused x 5 sets

195 x 2 x 5 sets

200 x 1
then 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8 20 kg is just right now

wt pushups 
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

BW 176.8 this is a good weight for me
BF 14.2 !?
W 57.1

Monday, April 24, 2023

215, 217.5, 225 miss x 2, 205 x 1 x 4, pushdowns, laterals, rear delts

 A really decent day. Fine tuning both the technique and the cues

Today's cue was

1) set the arch/see the X

2) pause for press call

3) drive hips and push up simultaneously

Worked ok but on video inspection I can tell I have to 'set the arch' by pressing the hips FORWARD FIRST,  and then arch the upper back, or else my torso goes too far back and my hips not forward enough

Also MAKE SURE TO SET UP  WIDE ENOUGH! Too  narrow will mess up everything

Also the heavier the weight ( 205 and up) the more I have make sure the torso doesnt lead  or I fall back as with this 205 warmup Jumped straight to 215 right after

then a REALLY good 215 with solid lockout
then to this miss with 225 and not sure exactly why except I don't think I  loaded the hips forward enough and too much knee flex at start always is bad
then down to 217.5 for an excellent rep and lockout
then down to 205 for 4 single, missed the 5th on balance ( first rep  down)

then pushdowns laterals and rear delt

BW 176.2
BF 15.0
W 56.5 ( am no bath)

Sunday, April 23, 2023

4.5 Mile Ruck 45 lbs

 Finally got the whole 9 laps in. Legs felt heavy and I was tired despite sleeping well. The intensity of the swing workout and not doing my mid week ruck for two weeks straight caught up with me it seems. Felt better the last three laps (  speed wise) but once a week is barely enough to maintain form, definitely not enough to increase it

But I should be back on track this week.

At least my sleep is good

45 lb ruck

9 laps

1:25 min

last mile about 17 min

BW 176.00

BF 14.7

definitely have to get my head screwed on straight for the heat work that's coming. It's been cold here for a long time it seems

Saturday, April 22, 2023

44 kg One Arm Swings 16 x 5/5, 44 kg belt squats 3 x10, pullaparts


This went great. Solo today and didn't feel quite ready mentally although body felt fine and I  slept well too. Just hard to focus and a bit anxious. After the two hand swings on Wed kinda unbalanced me I was worried about tweaking something

But it went well, very well in fact and bell height was as  good as it's been with with this weight. 

Belt squats were strong too although still worried about right hamstring

then 3 x 30 pullaparts as usual. these never get easier

BW 174.8
BF 13.8
W 57.3

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

185 x 12 x 2 double pauses, 24-32 kg two hand swings, wt pushups

 This went well after a very slow warmup. Stiff and tight it took five sets before my form and timing came together. All the cues worked well. Have to remember to not just push my hips forward after I unrack but let the upper back arch as well.

Otherwise I'm too vertical

Also don't have to throw my head too hard as I drive my hips at the end, Just find the X after I hip drive

set 5/12

set 12/12
things were "ok" but work was intense today and in my head all the way up to the second I hit the gym. Took a bit to get into the body

two hand swings

24 x 10
28 x 10
32 x 10 x 3
feeling the perinium just a bit now as I write this. Not sure if this is right or not yet. With the wider stance in the press AND the swing it could be too much. we'll see definitely not getting enough bodymaintenance or stretching in

wt pushups horiz bar
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

BW 176.4
BF  14.5

Monday, April 17, 2023

June 2020 220 lb press. form and setup

Sunday Ruck

 Not a bad one just a lap short. Had ideas of going for 12 laps to make up for missed thursday ruck ( dog sitting  duties) bug dog sitting duties again messed it up

Started slow 8:35-40 laps then it picked up as the laps rolled by and finished the  last mile in 16:10 and was just warming up

45 lb ruck

8 laps


BW 174.6
BF 15.5

New/Old technique worked! 215 and 220 + 5 sets of 205

 I was hoping things would go like this but had little faith considering how many times I've gone through this. Also definitely not feeling great. Nothing physical but just flat. Plus I never know how things are going to go til there's weight on the bar

And it went GREAT. Other than on miscue at the first 215 attempt when I dropped my chin and the bar went forward every set and rep went so well!! Couldn't be happier, actually.


1) Flat foot

2) Wide stance

3) Elbows vertical

4) Glute take off

5) Hip forward

6) Pause signal

7) hips drive forward

8 ) Find the "X"

worked like a charm from the first warmup. Very natural too. Take off much better

195 x 1

205 x 1 this was a great sign
215 second attempt. looking for the X was the only difference
220 x 1 ! one of my best lockouts too. Almost didn't take it because I didn't want to rush things
205 x 1 downset
2nd set


band pushdowns 4 x 10 black and purple false grip

laterals/rear delts 3 x 8/8 20's

Can't wait for Wednesday already

BW 174.7
BF 15.4 !!?

noon after bath
BW 176.4
BF 12.5
W 58.3

Saturday, April 15, 2023

40 kg One Arm swings 20 x 5/5, 40 kg belt squats 3 x 12, pullaparts 3 x 30

 This went great. Colder than expected but warmed up fast. Power and height were very solid, especially after the first 6 sets or so, as usual. Form held up well.

40 kg belt squats 3x12/11 ( video I lost count ,lol )

Pullaparts 3x 30 hard as always

BW 174.8 
BF 14.5 ?? after bath!

W 56.9  this is so weird

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

200 x 1 x 10 sets, 24 kg two hand swings 5 x 10,wt pushups x 3 x8 53 lbs

 This went well although the 'pushup in the bar' cue didn't work well. When I did it  my hips didn't stay in front of the bar and my knees flexed. figured it out for the last five set

I was thinking "back" but it wasn't happening because of the upward push

Once I stayed focused on creating the arch and holding it as I unracked the reps were way better. Bar wasnt off the pins much but I don't think I can have both and the hips forward arch is way more important

The other thing I didn't do is drive my hips forward to the garage door once I unrack

That's the starting trigger


setup hips in front of the bar

elbows up and find the X

lock that in and 

BACK to unrack

drive hips forward and press to X

then I actually did two hand swings! barefoot, wide stance, vertical shin , head up
it felt great but so easy,lol. I think these will be fine especially with this technique. Will work towards 32 kg for the 5 x 10 soon
Much better than MORE one arm swings after presses lol
wt pushups
bw x 8
53 x 8 x 3 sets horizontal bar med close false grip

BW 174.4
NF 14.9 ?

Monday, April 10, 2023

205,210,215, 220 x 1 205 x 1 x 5, pushdowns, laterals rear delts

 Very solid day. Wanted to get a bunch of volume in over 200 and work on solidifying the new technique with heavy  weights and that's exactly how it went.

Learned a bunch too

1) I can't hold the bar at the clavice or above.If I do when I unrack with the 'back' technique the heavier loads push me too far back

2) When I do unrack using "back" I also HAVE TO PUSH UP INTO THE BAR. I wasn't doing that at all today and my right arm side of the bar barely cleared the pins while the left side was 3 inches plus off the rack

If I don't have bar pushup tension I think my scoliosis spine defaults to that right side lower. It could be my  left side taking more weight or the right side taking more weight but it doesn't feel like that.

And,, when I finally did pushup on the bar on the fifth  set of 5 the bar was clear and much more even

Got decent sleep early but was up since 2 am, not optimal

135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1
210 x 1
215 x 1
220 x 1 ( 26th time!)

205 x 1 x 5

then pushdowns 3 x 12-8
20 b db laterals SS with rear delts 3 x 8

BW 174.6 !!
BF 14.4

Sunday, April 09, 2023







45 lb Sunday Ruck


A very good one. Solid from start to finish. Started a bit slow but warmed up fast. Legs lungs and back were all good 

Didn't think I'd have any fast time but finished the last mile in 15:42 that's great. Most laps were around 17  min miles which is fine

Still pretty cool but it's gonna get toasty again real soon.Time to get my mind right

45 lb ruck

9 laps


4.5 miles

BW 175.6 !
BF 14. 4

Saturday, April 08, 2023

60 kg One arm swings 10 x 5/5, 60 kg belt squat 3 x 8 pullaparts 3 x 30

 Really strong, solid day. Even considered doing a set or two with the 68, just not transferring it but decided at the last minute to leave well enough  alone. the session was going too well, didn't need to mess it up

One arm swings
16 x 5/5 x 2
20 x 5/5
24 x 4/4
28 x 3/3
32 x 4/3
36 x 4/3
40 x 4/3
44 x 4/3
48 x 4/3
60 x 5/5 x 10

grip was good even from the start but did have to make a technique adjustment around set 3; was over focused on just locking out the knees and staying midfoot.
Didn't work too well with this weight, kept getting pulled over so leaned back more at the top and kept my COM over the foot more. Problem solved

60 kg belt squat
3 x 8

pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 174.4
BF 13.5 bath
W 57.6  

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Thursday Ruck


Surprisingly hard given I slept well, legs felt fine and energy  pretty good at start

Even got out early at 10 am when it was cool and slightly breezy

But legs were slow and back was tired.

Very  strange but it got done

45 lb ruck

6 laps

55 min

3 miles

BW 175.0
BF 14.4

185 x 2 x 4 sets

 forgot to post these yesterday. really really good set ups and lines

Press set up cues

   1) Initial setup : Hips in front of the bar, find the X

   2) Unracking : BACK, stay on the x

   3) Press: press to the X drive hips forward

 Short version

1) hips in front of bar , X


3) Press to X

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Breakthrough set up technique 175 x 2 x 4 185 x 2 x 4 195 x 1 205 x 1

 After watching Mondays videos I realized that the hardest part of the unracking with my hips forward is not rotating my torso forward as I 'push up' and create tension in my arms and shoulders and the bar

the hip forward part is right, the question was how to come up and maintain the same angle as the setup

Glenn figured that out as he suggested "back" as I came up. For him the cue back ( as in lean back ) also pushed his hips forward

I tried it with an empty  bar and it felt right. 

here's 155 x 2 with the technique

then I went to 175 x 2 x 4 sets and it felt awesome!

then onto 185 for the same 4 sets of 2

then 195 x 1 and 205 x 1 also. felt great!

the bow is loaded and just gets tighter as I unrack

So it's

1) hips in front of bar to set up ,look at the X

2) BACK to unrack

3) Press to X

155 x 2 x 2

175 x 2 x 4

185 x 2 x 4

195 x 1

205 x 1

wt dips bw x 10

53 x 10 x 3  horizontal bar  med close grip and thumbless

FORGOT swings! lol

I feel great about this. this should be the last part to this puzzle

BW 175.4

BF 14.4

Sunday ruck: late post


Missed writing this down but I did it

Just eight  laps though as I had dog babysitting time constraints

45 lb ruck

8 laps

1:20 min

18 min miles or so

felt good just not energetic

BW 173.8 !!

BF 14.4

Monday, April 03, 2023

225 miss x 2, 215 x 1 , 205 x 1 x 4, pushdowns, laterals, rear delts

 Shockingly good workout especially considering how frazzled the morning was. But I got my weight back up to 175.4 after yesterdays determined eating,lol, and that helped too. Actually felt really good under the weight. warmups went really well.

Originally given no time at all with this new technique I thought I  was not going to take 225, especially from a 205 -225 jump but after 205 went so well I decided to.

And even though I missed it was close given I did not do the proper technique and I could tell.

My hip were just not forward enough on the setup. that is crucial

Second attempt was just weird, went no where and I'm not sure why

But then 215 flew and lockout out well as did the 4 singles with 205. 4th  rep was off forward  as I missed the X


Hips in front on setup

Pushup on bar to unrack

Drive hips forward and look at X

135 x 3 tough and go

155 x 2 touch and go

175 x 1

195 x 1

205 x 1

225 x X

225 x X

215 x 1

205 x 1 x 4

pushdowns 4 x 10

laterals/rear delts

BW 175.4
BF 14.4

Saturday, April 01, 2023

48 kg One Arm swings 10 x 5/5, 48 kg belt squat 3 x 10, pullaparts

 Actually slept pretty well last night although still in spurts, Woke up feeling good. Workout went well but I brain farted and thought we were only supposed to do ten set then realized it was twelve but decided on ten anyway as I thought it made most sense

A pound and a half light, too.

One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20  kg x 4/4
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/3
32 kg x 3/3
36 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 3/3
48 kg x 10/10 x 10

First set, even  though I thought I cinched the grip it felt weak. Chalked the bell a lot and really 'strapped in' and the rest of the sets were no problem

Didn't think bell height was as good as last cycle with  48 but looking back at the older video I realized today  was as good or even slightly better!

Squats felt great too

Pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 174 !!yikes

BF  14.0 with bath

W 57.1

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...