This is what I told myself all morning as I prepared for my 66th Birthday Press challenge. Trying to focus on the technique too much just put me into pre start mode which I really didn't want so I just kept saying that to myself.
Even as I got on the platform for the lift that's the last thing I said.
It was a weird chain of events. Was going to not make the big jump from 205 to 225 as I thought given all the technique changes I was making it was a bit too much but when I got to it I thought "he who dares.." and just put two plates on the bar
AND made it on the first attempt! AFTER missing my first attempt with 205 out in front! that messed me up a bit but then smoked the next one and then
It wasn't perfect. Knee lock wasn't spot on and while the lockout was the best in forever the right arm could be better but I made it!!!!
The cues though
1) Elbows up
2) push up to unrack and lock knees
3) drive bar back and to the X
Key thing, as I thought, was to keep upward pressure on the bar after I unrack and try to have the highest start position as possible
and this I did
I did change the warmup tho and I know that helped
135 x 3 dead stop singles
155 x 2 dead stop singles
175 x 1
195 x 1
then 205 for MISS out in front ?! ACK. did NOT stand straight up on unracking but shifted back. Always ba
But took it over and crushed it
THEN decided to just jump to two plates which I did and made! crazy!
then 205 x 1 x 4 then missed number but took it over and crushed it
then 24 kg swing 5 x 5,6,7,8,8
then pushdowns and out!
PUMPED! especially because I know which technique to use as much as anything!
BW 175.4
BF 14.9