Sunday, June 26, 2005


Road Kill

One of the unpleasant realities of long-distance road cycling is the existence of road kill. The longer you ride, particularly in rural neighborhoods (but not only), the more dead animals you pass. For example, if you do a century (100 mile ride) in Westchester or Connecticut, you will almost assuredly pass at least a dozen, if not twenty, dead creatures.

Today, however, for the first time in my road cycling career, I myself killed an animal. A squirrel. At least I think I killed it. I was riding down a steep hill in Central Park, side-by-side with my older son, when a squirrel suddenly darted out of the side of the road. He was between our bikes and very confused about which direction to head. He quickly went west, then reversed and went east...right into my rear tire. I felt the the thud. Since I was going at least twenty-five miles an hour at the time, I just held my bars tightly and kept going. I couldn't look back and I couldn't stop.

I did amother couple of laps of the park but didn't see the poor road kill. He must have made it to the side of road but I can't imagine that he could have survived for long. I feel bad but not that bad. There was really nothing I could have done differntly.

On the training front, my sister and I are progressing well. We did a fifty mile ride on the North Shore two weeks ago and handled it well. Although she is psycho and works out like a fiend, she can't really keep up with me. Riding with her (and often waiting for her) during the ride cost me at least a half hour, if not more. I don't really understand it. She is strong yet thin, is in amazing shape and has an excellent bike. I don't think she has figured out the best way to manage her gears so I think she spins ger wheels too much. It just doesn't make sense.

On July 10th we are doing a very difficult 70 mile ride, again on the North Shore of Long Island, called the Gold Coast Ride. Very hilly and challenging. My goal is to do at least one organized long ride per month (although I have yet to find anything local in August).

With four months to go until the Alyn Ride we are certainly on course.

Speaking of Alyn, the detailed description of the tour has been posted. It looks more difficult than last year, especially if one does the two optional climbs that are offered. I will write about the ride next time.

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