Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas Video Baby Surprise!

So I have had a few friends request that I post the video we took of the kids opening the Christmas present that told them they were getting a little sister. So, here it is! Listen Closely to the boys. Keep in mind this was at 6 in the morning. We all look exceptional! (wink, wink) Its optimized for web but you can still ENJOY!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Some of Our Summer Fun

So I have been scolded by many about not updating my blog. I suppose its time. Its been almost a year. Below, a nice portrait of the family in yellowstone. Ok not so nice looking but it was fun. It rained almost all day. We are wet and smelling those hot pots! Camdyn thought it was hilarious at how bad they stunk. Below is Aimery on her first day of 1st grade. She was so excited to finally eat lunch at school. She said it was delicious - yuck!
A few old roommates got together at the arctic circle in pocatello one day while Marian was up visiting from Vegas. It was so fun to see them. Yikes, look at all those kids. 4 moms, 11 kiddos, and 1 really good roomie helper. Someone had to keep track of them all.

Below is sweet Jenson pointing at a ball. He loves sports just like his older brother. And his oh-so-stylish dad in the background. This is Aimery and her dance teacher. She had dance recital the end of May. It was super cute! Lots of work. She was in 3 dances.

We went to yellowstone with my parents and my sis and her family. I told the kids to turn around and smile. This is what they gave me . . . . Aye Aye Aye. Who's kids are these?

Travis' little brother left for his mission in July. Here are the brothers.

I guess I should throw a picture of me in every once in awhile. But I'm the one usually behind the camera. This is at the Allen reunion. Kylee and I tag teamed the 3-legged races. Only to be beaten by Jess and Mike who totally cheated!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy October!

Well, my baby is now 1. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. Aimery is almost 6. I know that isn't very old, but to me these last 6 years have flown. Things are great! Everyone is gearing up for Halloween. It will be fun, especially if my parents and sis come up to visit. Speaking of family, we did pictures over conference weekend. It was gorgeous in the valley. Here is what we got:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Its Been A While

So, Since its been like 4 months since I've updated you all, I thought I should. So, Travis graduated in May with his MBA! Hip Hip Hooray! So we are officially done! He just got his new business cards and they say: Travis A___ MBA, CPA. Pretty darn cool, I'd say. He has worked so hard these last 7 years in school. Way to go Babe! But I'm glad I'm not just going back to school like many of my friends. That would be so hard. I'm glad they are doing it, but I'm glad we went straight through.

My tumbling recital went fantastic! It was so fun. I've already begun searching for songs for next year's. If any of you have an idea for a theme, I'm all ears.

Jenson is now 9 months (oh where as the time gone?) He is actually just getting over his first sickness. He has an ear infection. It has been yucky. We are busy putting our yard in. We did about half of our 1 acre lot in sprinklers. We put curbing in for flower beds, bought some shrubs and trees. In the next 2 weeks the grass will go in. It's starting to look like someone actually lives on this dirt pile.

So, since I don't really have any real cool photos, I'm posting some pictures I took of the kids in April. And also some pictures my dad took at their house over Easter.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

And the Verdict is ........


We finally got the results from Travis' last test for the CPA Exam. He passed, with flying colors! So in a few months (after tax season) he will take the ethics portion, which is a piece of cake and then Travis (TNA) will be a CPA with a BS and MBA. Yes, this is true he also graduates in May with his MBA with an emphasis in Accounting. Glory, Glory! I can't tell everyone how excited we are to have all of this behind us. We are so thrilled. But most of all I am so proud of him. He really has worked so hard these past 7 years. He deserves it. In fact, if the Jazz make the play-offs I promised him a Jazz game when he passed. But of course, it can't be until after tax season is over.


To show Trav how much we love him, the kids and I made a little basket of goodies with a cute poem/saying. Kind of like a candy-gram, but I had to use items that the kids picked out. They were so excited. We put a few banners and streamers up too. The kids did a great job decorating. Not much, but we wanted to show Travis how much we love and appreciate him.
I snapped a few photos, but Travis was in such a hurry to go to his basketball game that they didn't really turn out great. I did get a nice video of Travis making a 3 point shot to help his team come back and win the game in like the last 30 seconds. He did awesome!

Here is Camdyn and Travis after "their" game. Camdyn thinks its his game too because he runs up and down the court with the men. It is so funny to watch. Everyone sitting by me always comments, "I bet he'll sleep well tonight." But, thats just the way he is. He runs, or skips around my house all day. He loves going to Trav's games. He always changes into his basketball shorts (if he isn't already wearing them.)

Below is a small video clip of Travis trying to catch a glipse of the "Glory Days" of high school ball. Just kidding hun, you did a great job! Its fun to go and watch.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Basketball Jersey

So, I had to do this quick post. Camdyn is like a sports freak! Travis is playing church ball right now, so his sport of choice is BBall. I came out of my room tonight and this was what I saw. He had taken the basketball jersey off his Build A Bear Monkey and put it on. He was so excited about it. "Mom, its my basketball shirt like daddy's". What a goof ball, I guess I better invest in a real jersey so my little man isn't mistaken for a little girl in a crop-top. Notice his shoes. He wears his "basketball" shoes all the time in the house especially when he is playing hoops on his stand. Got a love the kid!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Over-Due Update

So, I will say that I warned everyone when I started blogging that I would not be very consistent. But, I guess its time to update. Camdyn turned 3 on the 17th. We had his party on the 14th so that some of Trav's family could make it. (THANKS for coming). I have to apologize about the photos. I didn't get any good ones with my camera. My dad took all of those photos with his. But I did catch a few of my parents. My Dad, like always, playing with the kids. (My sister-in-law's kids are in the photo with Aimery)This is the only photo of Camdyn that I snapped on his bday. I really need to get copies from my dad. But this is Camdyn and his Nona. We got Camdyn a bike. He was so excited. This last week, he has shown everybody who has come to our house. He has been practicing downstairs in our unfinished basement.

Jenson is sure growing up fast. He recently had his 4 month appt. (on the 9th) He was 15 and a 1/2 lbs. Can you believe it! And that is 2 whole lbs smaller than Camdyn was at 4 months. So Jenson has been the smallest of the 3 kids. But believe me, he is still a chunk. But I love every lb of him. He smiles a lot and loves to talk, but we still haven't got him to give us a good laugh like my other 2 kids have done. He just isn't a giggler. Here is a video of him talking.

Oh ya, and here is a photo of me. Aimery is practicing her photograghy skills. I cut my hair the end of December. Its the shortest I've ever had it. You can't really tell how short it is in the photo, oh well. And ignore the sweaty face. I had just gotten back from teaching.