The little ride I took on Ruby was just a short get-to-know-ya ride. First to check the saddle fit, and second to see how she would be after not having been ridden for 3 months.
Over the winter she has gotten friendlier; she seems to be a fairly calm and uncomplicated mare.
Saddling went a lot better this time; she didn't try to take me out with her hip like the last 2 times- mostly because I got after her last time I saddled her. Also, I was able to saddle her from the usual side without her dancing around. So, progress there.
I had a bridle I wanted to try on her- this is the bridle I used when Ted and I got married on horseback 26 years ago; I had given it to a niece who was riding at the time, and she kindly gave it back to me now that she isn't riding.
Yes, Ruby, it looks good on you!
I took precautions, wearing my helmet and having Ted there just in case Ruby had any objections.
At the mounting block, she took a while to stand still, we did some round and round and and lots of placing her, letting her stand, then moving her out again, until she got the idea that standing where I wanted her was a good idea.
The weather has been very mild lately, enough so that the snow has softened and it wasn't too icy in the area I wanted to ride- basically, a nice flat area where Ted had plowed the snow up into a nice large pile at one end.... more on that later...
Ruby was good! She sure has a nice ground covering walk, her steering, stopping and back up were all in order. That was pretty much all I wanted to know with that ride- now it will be all about getting to the indoor arena and really seeing what she's all about. They have obstacle play days there and that will give me good training opportunities and get her connected to me before trail riding season. I also want to do some roping training with her. It should be a good horse year for me!
So- about that large pile of snow...
Whaaaat? There's grass pushed up in that snow I had to check out!
We have a herd of deer who have moved back onto the farm. There are three bucks in that photo.
Nice long tines for such a young buck, he has 3 tines each side.
He came down from the snow pile...
and headed for Velvet's hay bale. Along with a couple of does.
I keep my panels around the bales, and a tarp over them which helps to keep them from totally destroying the bales- I have 3 bales set out in my feeding areas.
From there they jumped over the fence towards the river, but as soon as I went back in the house they snuck back into the yard and headed out to the pasture where the rest of the herd was. There are up to a dozen deer here at any given time. In the middle of the night they come right to the house to lick the ice salt on the sidewalk, or check for grassy nibbles where the snow has melted next to the house.
I foresee that gardening here is going to be a challenge.