Monday, December 26, 2022

Photo shoot day!

 I decided to open up the top two pens for the mares, mostly so that when I take Ruby out to saddle her up Velvet can come up and watch; she does get a bit hyped up when I take Ruby out. Ruby doesn't care, but Velvet does. There is a lot of drifted snow in the pens, and they had fun exploring. 

Of course, that made for a good chance to get in a photo shoot. 

Pawing to check for nummies

Hmmm is that a saggy baby belly?

Foreshortening with the zoom lens, but Velvet, you do look a little extra wide!

It's hard to tell she's a roan in the winter

Ruby is such a pretty mare in a strong way; not dainty but I think her looks speak to her personality. 

The strong silent type. She doesn't holler when she can't see the other horses, and she notices everything. 

She is in good shape, not fat and not thin. 

Beamer, of course, was keeping an eye on them!

It's warm enough to leave his blanket off until the next bout of stupid cold. 

Later on I brought Ruby out and saddled her up. I tried out the old saddle I restored. It almost fits; she has really wide shoulders, very similar in build to Sophie. 

I feel that the bars are a bit narrow and sit higher on her back than I like.

It's very close to fitting, I might get away with riding in it. But next time I saddle her I will try the saddle I used on Sophie and see how that fits. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas 2022

 The wintry blast we have endured for the past week has abated somewhat. Instead of -37C we made it to -21 yesterday  and much warmer coming for the next week. 

The mares have gone from having hair sticking up to having snow blankets again.

I find it fascinating to see how nature takes care of it. When we lived in Creston we didn't have these drastic swings of temperature and weather conditions. Freezing rain in the forecast for today! 

We are all ready for Christmas. Nature did a little decorating for us on the kitchen window....

Who needs fake snow for the windows when you have the real thing!

A vertical shaft of sunlight decorating the sky at sunset

Tomorrow we head up to see Ted's dad and family, so today, I wish all my blog readers a truly blessed Christmas. I hope you all stay safe and warm, and are surrounded by loved ones. For those who have lost loved ones this year, may your hearts find peace. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Solstice

 Sorry- one day early for the solstice! 

Well what can I say.... it was the coldest day so far. Shortest day and coldest day. 

Shortly after I snapped that, it dropped to -38C which is -36.4 F. 

I was so bundled up only my eyes were showing as I went to do chores. I have some great cold weather gear, including one of those furry type hats that has ear flaps- love it!

The horses actually did well. Beamer, of course is blanketed and he was sporting his frosty look. 

I was wondering if the mares would be shivering, but apparently bellies full of hay- all they can eat- is doing the trick. I was a bit concerned about Velvet because of her earlier shivering episode but nope both mares were fine albeit very frosty. 

See how every hair sticks up and is coated with frost? No heat loss in those bodies! 

Of course, this was payday for us so we went to town for groceries and a bit of shopping. It wasn't too busy..... gee I wonder why.... 😏

The mares were being silly at evening chore time. Who plays in such cold weather! Velvet and Ruby of course. 

They lost a lot of the frost except around the eyes and nose. 

I knocked snowballs off their front feet again. I need the farrier to come trim them as soon as it warms up a bit, probably early next week. 

Velvet is at that is -she-or-isn't-she pregnant stage. She's about 4 and a half months since breeding and I am sooooo hoping she caught. For a mare who is going to be 23 in the spring she looks great! I was looking at her pedigree percentages and she is pretty much 100% foundation. Link included for those who are interested in bloodlines.  I am really hoping for this foal as it will be completely one from my breeding program- a mare that I raised and my Beamer. And it should be a foal full of personality judging from the parents!

Stay warm and safe out there if you have to go out! This too shall pass. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022



Christmas, 2022

Some of my ornaments are because of childhood memories, such as this one:

As a child, we had glass ornaments and although this one is resin, it's very much like the glass apple core  on the tree of my childhood. (We had a pear core too). All our possessions but for a couple of items were lost when our house burned down in 1969.

This little brass trumpet is one I put to honour my daughter, who played trumpet in school band. It always goes near the top of the tree. 

This hand carved loon is the work of Connie and Gene from Far Side of Fifty blog; they hand carve and paint ornaments every year and give several of them away through the blog. It's one of my treasured ornaments. 😊 

This one was a gift from my dad and step-mom. My dad passed away 10 years ago, so this one is very special to me. 

For all the amazing border collies in my life.....

A Teddy bear for my husband Ted who is a shining star in my life.....

The cat and mouse just because it makes me smile! And because kitties are a big part of my life too.

Last but not least, the Cross of Christ, which is also the Star of Bethlehem. 
And there you have it, just some of the special ones that make my tree every year. 

Wishing you all Christmas blessings!

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Ho ho ho....hum


 I figured a lovely warm sunny day would be perfect for taking Christmas photos of the horses. 

You know, 

Deck the ponies with poinsettias,

Fa la la la la la la la la.....

Beamer....Hey Beamer, wake up!


Ok my eyes are open, happy now? Can I go back to sleep?

Oh Ruby, thanks for cooperating!

Can I go back to sleep now please?

Then there was Velvet....

She was on alert! 

Not putting that stuff on me!

Does it make me look cute? If so it can stay....

Hmmmm. How about the hat, Velvet?


I guess it can stay as long as I can snooze....

But it tickles!

Went up to visit Shayla the other day and got in a few photos there too.

A nice Christmas one of Boe with a bow 😄

And who doesn't love a Christmas cow!

Shayla sent me this one of Gussie's filly, Evy, decked out in silver poinsettias that look like snowflakes in her mane. She's the sweetest filly!

In other news - Shayla bought a new stallion prospect. A coming 2 yr old red dun with some nice old school breeding. 

Love those ears! They are like Beamer's ears

He's a big bodied colt, reining bred; his sire was a successful show horse and his dam comes from a strong line of cutting horses. He should cross well on all the mares.

Barn name Shooter