Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
In the midst of life....
I have pre- scheduled my Sunday stills photo, and will disable comment moderation for you all.
I leave you with this video of Sparkle, who will keep Wendy and Rick busy while I am gone. I'd like to thank them in advance for being there for me, and I am confident that all my beloved creatures will receive the best of care.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sparkle's new halter and snow day
This halter should fit her for a few months. (Little cuteness!) We had a little snow but it should be melted off by noon.
She is still on limited turnout, and she is getting stronger every day, and cuter by the minute!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sassy update and Sparkle photos
Sorry about the focus on this one! But it's just so cute....
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Another Sunny Sunday
All of which is tiring,
but not for long, as there are so many things a girl has to check out!
When I could finally tear myself away, I saddled up Beamer and went for a ride, attended as usual by my faithful shadows, Reba and Tess.
We may not have flowers yet, but we do have pussy willows still. And I had the opportunity to practice opening gates with Beamer.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Mom and baby
I have decided on her registered name: Isle Sparkle N Shine. Most likely, her barn name will be Sparkle.
We put the baby halter on her for the first time today, which went rather well. I notice a lot of Beamer's personality traits in her, and she looks a lot like him.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Better get used to...
I's all tuckered out....
Mom standing guard, and Marble supervising; lights out!
And the winner is....
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Updates on lots of things
This photo was taken yesterday while we were waiting for the farrier. (I subsequently adjusted the knots in the halter so that it fits her better!) Isn't that snow disgusting! She is in heat right now, but even so was good for the farrier, who says she has really nice feet. Actually, he says all my horses have good feet, which is nice to hear. As you can see by the picture, Sassy tends more to the running side of her pedigree, she isn't the chunky type. She has a lot of speed, so I hope she has a career in speed events; she has a lot of cow breeding too, which makes her a perfect candidate for Working Cowhorse. She is two months away from her second birthday, so she has a lot of growing and filling out to do; it's a good thing she still has some of that winter hair too!
Still no foal; keep an eye on this post (Foaling Contest Continued) for details as to who is still in the running for the prize, and it's still open to those who had a guess in but the date has passed. There are still about a dozen guesses left that could win! Coyote Belle was really cranky this morning when I turned her out, and she is just starting to wax. I think she's close!
Chickory was perfect for the farrier, I was really proud of her! You'd never know that it was only her second trim. She still looks like a wooly mammoth, but she is growing like a weed- oh, wait, weeds aren't growing here yet; nothing is growing here yet, just horses!
I'm going to the Mane Event in Red Deer next weekend; hope to watch Al Dunning's clinic and take in the Trainer's Challenge. If any of you bloggers are going, email me and I'll give you my cell number so we can meet up!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
More snow day photos
This afternoon after work I spotted this little red squirrel in my yard; he wasn't too happy that the feeder was empty;
Springtime blizzard
Monday, April 13, 2009
Foaling contest, continued!
16 Sherry AM filly, Carol PM colt
17 Dusty Devoe AM filly, Reta AM colt
18 Penny AM colt, Ed PM colt
19 Pony Girl AM filly
21 Linda AM filly
22 W.O.W PM colt, KDW PM filly
So you see there are a lot of options left! If you had a guess in already and the date has passed please enter again; I'd hate for baby to be born on a day no one picked!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Easter
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Still no foal!
There are 8 people eligible to put in a second guess as their pick has passed:
The Wife,
Green Ranching Mom,
Fantastyk Voyageur,
UPDATE: Also eligible to "second guess" now are:
Dusty Devoe,
Jan's Place
When we were visiting Janice and Dave (Own A Morgan) I had to take a photo of the light above their kitchen island. It was made by the man who built the log house they live in; he made a lot of really cool things like western light switch covers and lamps.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Sunday Stills- Animal Husbandry
and miss Marble does a mighty fine job of that! But my favorite part of animal husbandry is raising and selling good looking, good quality horses, like this mare; I sold her as a 4 year old. (her dam was a sister to Beamer)
and this one.....
Y'all haven't forgotten Peppy now have you?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Down the road again
These last two days we drove to B.C. to our friends over at Own A Morgan, which is partway to where we are moving to. Ted bought a truck for work there, and I headed back home while he is continuing on to his new job, which is in the beautiful Creston valley -Tara, you'll get a chuckle out of this, I'm sure! (Tara moved from Creston to Saskatchewan!) I'll be staying in Alberta while my husband finds us a place to live.
The drive home took me through some of the most scenic places in the country. There was beautiful Columbia Lake:
On northward to Radium Hot Springs, the road winds through these rock cuts:
On past the Hot Springs are some gorgeous red rock bluffs:
Just when you think you've seen the most beautiful one, around the next corner is another! If I could figure out how to add music to blogger videos, I'd put this little video to How Great Thou Art.
Back down through the mountains and home again, I'm still on foal watch, which means that Nuzzling Muzzles and Gtyyup are out! But since there are a lot of times left, lets do this: if your guess is up, you can guess again- just look through the comments (go to the link on my sidebar, it's the quickest). So keep checking; I'll post as soon as baby is born!