Tuesday, January 10, 2017

new year, 2017

This year has been a whirlwind, in all sorts of the word.   I always regret not posting more, although there are a few images on instagram that I have recorded.   Its been fun to watch my mom with her new husband, Louis.  They have had many adventures and have brought us along on a few of them!  New York with the sisters was so fun, Lake Powell was a favorite of Malia's and fun days of skiing filled the year.  My dad and Lori also returned from their mission in Australia, to help with her daughter through a difficult pregnancy and birth.  I am so grateful to have wonderful parents and in-laws who are great examples and close to the spirit.  Jim and Julie purchased a home in st. george and we were able to spend New Years there.   My Mom just celebrated her 73rd birthday at the cabin in hobble creek where we ate good food, went sledding and did some art projects.

Ruby had another litter of puppies which is so fun for the kids and a lot of work for mom! (This Mom).  But the pups have blessed families and we are happy to do while earning travel money. She is currently pregnant again, and we hope all goes well.

Wes has been busy working remodel jobs, both commercial and residential and has made great improvements in his job and his daily routine.  He was able to meet a tight deadline for a restaurant remodel (osaka in ogden) and owes it to a great project manager and a lot of prayer!
He also ran the grand canyon again and did a fun donut race with Morgan.

Morgan snagged a chance to be a background character in a new disney TV show called Andi Mack.  He worked about two weeks worth on the set, even I worked two days, since i was there anyway.  We had help from gramps chip who was happy to take morgan and sit long hours so he could do his work.  Morgan earned about $100 a day, and bought an apple watch with his money.  He now wants to go into acting.  He also got a chance to visit San Francisco with jim and julie.  he had a great time, I love that they did this for him.  He loves to babysit his baby sister mckinley, and would rather stay home with her than just about anything.  He has a big heart, and teaches her so many funny things .
She is a little parrot and mimics EVERYTHING! She makes me laugh harder than anyone else.  She will throw on a backpack, jacket, boots and in just a diaper say she is going to school.   She speaks in sentences and gets really upset if someone else rides her bicycle.  She rides it round and round singing, "I like to ride my bicycle." She also likes to dress up in anything, but when she puts on a dress she sings, "Let it go, I just want to let it go." She will run to the bathroom to go potty, taking off her diaper and sitting on the toilet.  if I walk in on her she will say DONT COME IN! haha.  We love her soon much. she is such a loving, fun, tough baby.  climbs out and in her crib, jumps off couches and is just plain daring.
Carson has been getting really good on the piano, he is a much needed peacemaker in our family, and has a huge fascination with birds.  He is a walking dictionary of knowledge and know birds inside and out.  I am glad he has a friend, spencer steevenson from next door, who shares his same passions.  Whenever we go on a hike, carson will always go ahead, he is always a dot on the horizon. He is a thinker and a ponderer. He found some dinosaur tracks on our hike in st. george and showed them to us. He found his first fossil last year in Moab at the age of nine.  He knows where to look and what to look for.  He plays his keyboard and dances to the music.  He still loves to play with my hair and is also into mine craft and nitro type.  We love his personality and presence in our family.

Malia has enjoyed her ballet class and always tells us her teacher says she is the best one in the class. She still has a lot of rhythm and passion for dancing and music.  She is such a good sister to mckinley and takes good care to entertain her and teach her new things and words.  She loves technology and dolls. She is pretty good at games that require fast hand eye coordination.  She can be really funny and loves watching studio C. We hope she continues to pursue dance, because she would be amazing! She also had the opportunity to come with me to Wisconsin to see Grace get baptized.  We had so much fun walking to the donut shop and cheese shop, looking for geocaches, playing at the park, watching movies, and eating good food.  The baptism was beautiful, and mckinley fell asleep on the floor and slept through the whole thing.  Which was kind of nice because it made it pretty quiet!

I have been quite swallowed up in family life but enjoy the sweet moments.  I made the mistake of dropping out of a gym and slowing down my exercise routine to a complete stop.  It drags my emotional well being with it too.  So i get into a funk and need to get out and start back up, doing something I love.  Exercise, and being outside is just ingrained into my being, and I believe it is something I need to function in my life!  So I'm trying to come up with a motivating activity to get my butt moving.   Its like the life water for my soul.
2017 is going to be better, adjusting to having my mom gone away has been a little bit of change for me, and seeing the changes it has brought to our family has been great, but still an adjustment.  We are happy  and healthy for the most part and looking forward to the new year.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

It was actually a really great day. 
I didn't expect, but Wes had gotten all my stuff ready for a ride in the morning and it really helped me get out the door for a canyon ride with friends. Too cold to make it to the top though. When I got back they had all surprised me with flowers and chocolate and a homemade gift card for new sunglasses. I sure love my little family! Here's a pic of when I was a baby in Hawaii. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

St George March 2016

Went down south for a much needed dose of sunshine! I really enjoy these little trips with my family. Wes's mom mentioned how she didn't like traveling with her kids but Our little children make the trip so much more fun. Yes it requires more work and patience but some things are worth it and are necessary. We talk on the way down, draw, listen to audiobooks, play games and discuss adventures we'd each like to do when we arrive. Carsons goal was to spot a road runner, which he did! Morgan wanted to find geocaches which was fun and malia wanted to do climbing, bike rides and play in the sand and pool. Wes found us a great condo which was in a perfect location for exploring and relaxing. It was so nice to get away. I am so grateful that I love to be in the company of my little family. I hope these times will strengthen our relationships so we can always look forward to these trips. Carson got an extra prize when they spotted an endangered desert tortoise while we were climbing black rocks.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter 2016

We did a fun dinner and egg-drop the weekend before Easter at Sara's house. We all designed a container with the same materials to protect an egg before dropping it off the roof top. It was way fun, but the only egg survivors were mine and Wes's!  I posted about it before even realizing Heidi might get offended for not being invited. Which happened. I felt bad and pulled the post off, but she always goes to the jensens on Sunday so we didn't even think to invite her. The downfalls of social media, and I thought I was sensitive to others in that regard.
So we decided to get together again and spent the weekend at the little America with sara and Linz, (Heidi invited but went to Moab). We ate dinner at the lion house  which was a fun nostalgic thing to do and then swam and had brunch in the morning. Sara put together a fun egg hunt at the heritage park. She did a golden egg with 10$ in it and Morgan found it when he politely stopped to take a picture for a couple, who then noticed the golden egg and told him about it.it was so fun. Then we went to see the baby animals at 'this is the place' park and had a blast! Fresh donuts, pioneer fun, and lots to see and do.

The following Sunday we spent with the Ridds and did a fun little hunt for the kids and Abbie's kids too. They have a fun backyard and always make it great.

Didn't realize how much I'd miss my mom being unmarried, but I'm adjusting to a shift in my thinking and living.

Regular days, good times

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ski club

This has been such a fun uplifting activity. We each take turns driving and babysitting. The discussions and encouragement are enough and the skiing is so fun! Glad to have such uplifting friends. I've always hung out with guys because they are so low drama, but it's nice to know there are a few girls who aren't. The last time I didn't want to get out of bed because I felt like I had ruined my kids day by not going skiing with their cousins and offending my sisters (what else is new). But frankly I didn't want to spend 300$ for skiing somewhere else when we have passes to snowbasin. So I was pretty down that morning. Thankfully enough, even though I had told them I wasn't going, they still sent me a text to see if I wanted to go. So I went and it lifted my spirits in more ways than one. Good friends. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wild bald eagles, Croydon

Sunday we went up to Croydon, Carson has been begging us to go because his teacher said there are a lot of wild bald eagles up there. I had no idea we would see 16 in one tree!!!
And .... Morgan stayed home and made flan for Wes birthday! So impressed with his cooking skills, and compassion.