Tuesday, December 6, 2011

family pictures

yes, I am still alive, and I do still blog (pathetically) Life has gotten incredibly busy for me lately and the blog has been neglected. It is my new years resolution to try and do better.(along with quitting pinterest) Living away from family makes blogging important. anywho, here are our latest family pictures. As per usual please don't forget to metion how well behaved and smart my children look (because you can totally tell this from a picture) also don't forget to metion how trim and fit Rich and I look. And this year Rich has also requested you say how funny he is. thanks.
ps. My favorite pic. is this one of Clay and Lane, and my large 32 year old child in the middle.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thought we all could use a little reminder.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

squeezing out every last bit...

We had a GREAT summer. These are the last few things we have done in August. Rich and I had a tire store meeting in Seattle where we litterally ate at cheesecake factory every night. and it safe to say I did a fair amount of shopping. Then we came home and did some fun family things with the kids. these Pics are of our trip to the zoo. We are heading to Heise to go swimming this weekend and I will post thoes pictures later.

I love to get pictures of all three of them together. its harder than it looks!

LOve this one of Raegan. it shows her cute little personality.

Rich and I on top of the Space neaddle. it was really beautiful. I LOVE seattle. I would more their in a second. even the homeless people are friendly there.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


These are just a few pictures. I have so many I just wanted to show a few. I am still jet lagged so sorry for being so confusing. yes, we ziplined. thanks, harness for making my butt look even bigger...

Rich may or may not be able to father children again.

Glass bottom boat at Boracay. AWESOME!

me and Debbie enjoying mango shakes. (I lived on these while I was there.)

Parasailing!!! so fun!!

American cemetary, it is so beautiful. and I am not embarassed to admit I almost cried while I was there.

PS. ever realized how unflattering some shirts are? well this stripped number is one. In case you are wondering after looking at these pictures, I am NOT pregnant. But if you want people thinking you are, borrow this shirt.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Remmy's Pictures

I LOVE my little girl!!!
look how cute she is!!!
my favorite ones are the ones where she is throwing a fit.
They make me smile. enjoy.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

to hel...I mean Bone and Back

Notice the title. I think that pretty much explains it.
although, I did get my personal best. I would tell you but I really dont want to
inspire envy or jealousy in anyone. I do still have the tutu in case anyone
wants to borrow it.

ps. the internet adds 5lbs, or 50 you choose.

Monday, June 6, 2011

How can I not brag?

Can you believe that my body glopped together something this cute? (I say glopped because my body feels more like a potatoe masher when I am pregnant, as opposed to some women whos bodies are precision instruments) so this is little remmy's 6 months pics. even though she is really almost nine months.How can I not brag? shes perfect. This is just a sneak peak. I will post more when I get them, cause I know youre dying to see them. Probably sitting up all night hitting the refresh button....