Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Summer Fun and waiting for our surprise!
At the Beginning of August I took Ultimate Dance to a Dance Camp in Idaho and brought home many individual awards as well as "Overall Best Team" for the 2nd year in a row. I was so proud!
This summer Graydin played his first team sport, T-Ball. He is a very competitive boy and a ball hog. He has a very good arm for a 3 yr old and to spice things up he would slide into home.
Rich has Taken up running this summer and has ran a few 5k's as well as a 10k. He will be running a half marathon in November!
Trev is practicing his basketball shots on our new hoop so that he can be like Jimmer he says. He is also very excited to start 1st grade next week!
The biggest thing this summer was watching me get huge like a whale in preparation for our new little girl! I started dialating at 32 weeks and have not changed since. I am now just over 36 weeks and hoping there is progression at the next Dr. Appt. It is crazy to think within the next few weeks I will have a little girl. We are all so excited. The anticipiation is killing me!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Catch up and exciting news!

The boys are growing so fast and are so much fun! Trevin had his 6th Birthday in January! He is loving Kindergarten and doing so well at school. Graydin Started Pre-school in January and wasnt sure of it at first but seems to be enjoying it now. They are such a help and bring such a great spirit into our home. They both love to play the Iphone and I am amazed how well they play all the games on it. I can't even understand most of them!
Rich has been traveling a lot with his job which stinks. But the times he is home he is 110% Dad and husband. I don't know how I got so lucky. I never knew that after 12 years of marriage it could still feel like when you first met or better!
I am super busy at the studio right now since it is Competition Time. We have 2 more competitions left and 6 weeks of dance left before we go to summer break!
Rich and I have been trying to add to our little family for quite some time. We are happy to finally announce that I am now 18 weeks along!!! Rich and the boys really wanted another boy so that they could name him Jimmer! But to their dissapointment and to my Excitement I am so Happy to announce that I finally get my little GIRL!!!!!! Yes thats right we are having a Girl! My little dancer. I really was prepared for 3 boys but I am over excited for a sweet girl to come into our family so that it will be 3 against 2!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Time flies when your having fun!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Trevin!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Life can change so fast.............
It has been a very long week and since only my good friends read my blog, I thought I would write about it and try to get it off my mind.
About September Rich started feeling numb in his left leg. Not sure what it was maybe thinking it was a pinched nerve and it not hurting, he decided he would wait til the new year and get it checked.(Because we have crappy insurance). Well The day before Thanksgiving his numbness started in his right leg and was a little more uncomfortable. Rich decided that he would go get it checked. The Dr. said that he wouldnt worry about it and to come back if it gets worse. By Thanksgiving Day Rich was numb from his chest down and very uncomfortable. Monday he went back to the Dr. The idiotic Dr. Responded by saying what do you want me to do? He took xrays and blood work and the Xrays came back with no pinched nerve. While in the Dr.s office my brother in-law called rich and said he could get into a specialist and he immediately left. At the Specialists office he took anothe set of x-rays and said he didnt have a pinched nerve but that this was not normal. The specialist ordered up MRI's, more blood work and another visit on wednesday. After 5 hours of MRI's, lots of blood work and a whole day of dr. visits, The Specialist told us that Rich either had cancer on the spinal chord or MS. The next day we met with the Neuroligist and she comfirmed that Rich has Aggressive MS. We have spent the whole week at different appt's and tests and are trying to get over the initial shock that this has happened to our family.
It's kind of weird that Bad thing happen to other people but you think that will never happen to you! We still don't know what is going to happen or how fast but we know things will more than likely be different.
I Have been really thinking about this all and the one thing that comforts me is that I know my Heavenly father loves me and that Families are Forever.
We have had a very blessed life with very few trials, an amazing marriage and two beautiful children. We have had the opportunity to do more things in our 11 yrs of marriage then most people do their whole lives. I know if anyone can fight against this disease, Rich can. I know it is not cureable but we are not going to let it take over our lives. I am still looking forward to growing OLD with my Prince Charming.
Rich is now on steroids for 5 days through and IV. He will have to give himself shots about every day for the rest of his life. We are praying he gets some feeling back in his body so that he can be comfortable and work and live like normal again.
I am so grateful for our family and friends who have helped us out so much this week!
Don't take anything for Granted because life can change so fast!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Graydin!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Charity Garage sale, Carwash and 5k Run!

Garage Sale and carwash
September 12th 9am-1pm@ Ultimate Dance Etc. Studios
Carwash @ Walgreens
To read her story go to McKennacan.blogspot.com
If you dont like to run or live too far away to come you can just donate by going on her website!