Monday, January 23, 2012

Christmas part 2

Christmas day after church we went down to spend some time with Rich's family in Columbus. The WHOLE family was there! All 6 brothers and families. It was really fun to be all together... kinda crazy.. but really fun!

The day after Christmas we went to the Pacers game. We decided we are waiting 2 more years before we take Brady to a game again. He struggled.

Our Christmas nativity program.

He decided he really liked the cow :)

I made my 3 nieces tutus and here 2 of them are modeling for me.

The Nehring Family Bowl Challenge Trophy!
The whole family!

All those tough guy faces...
This is the best we could do... the boys were freezing and tired.
The Nehring Clan

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas part 1

Our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in pictures..

He REALLY likes the sprinkles
Christmas Eve feast
family snuggles while we talk about why we celebrate Christmas

Christmas Eve Jammies!

Santa's set up
It was a Thomas Christmas!

ready for church
many more pics of the rest of our break to come!

Visiting Santa

 Our Visit to Santa!! Brady was happy to see him but Max wasn't as excited! Brady forgot what he was going to ask Santa for and all he could say was that he wanted a sucker for Christmas.. haha.. he could only remember to say that because he saw the bucket full of suckers sitting right next to Santa. :)

 Just hanging out at the mall munching on their suckers from Santa.

 had to throw this one in here..
Max likes to attack the vacuum.. and sometimes likes to ride it too :)

Ward Christmas party