Monday, December 13, 2010

Blogging Breakdown

I have been chastised by one of my faithful readers who has pointed out that I have not added an entry since Halloween and we're halfway through December already.

So this post is simply to acknowledge that I've been a slacker. Mea culpa.

So eventually I will post a little about my new obsession, doing BBQ on my homemade smoker.

I'm not sure that Jaime is completely sold on my new hobby, which requires that I be close to home almost ALL SATURDAY to tend the BBQ pit and monitor those ribs, chicken or pork on their low-and-slow journey to paradise. Perhaps its my contention that, for the sake of the meat, the furthest I should stray away from the BBQ pit is the couch, where I can conveniently watch a full Saturday of college football. Its tough work but someone has to do it.

I will mention that when we went to see the "Bethlehem Experience" last night at the Westminster Presbyterian Church (a very cool drive-through nativity with live animals and everything) Kate and Davis again proved how different they were from each other. While Kate drew back from the open car window as far as she could, shouting things like "I don't want the camel to get Davis!!!" and "I don't want the fire to get me!!!" her little brother Davis acted as if he actually DID want to be eaten by the camel or to jump into the Bedouin's campfire. I think a couple of times we caught him by the leg just before he could throw himself out of the open window. Good thing he didn't get out near the nativity scene itself, because Baby Jesus may not have survived the body slam that Davis has been working hard to perfect.

Hopefully more pics and stuff to come in the near future.