"Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it."
- Adam and Eve, after eldest son Cain finally learned to crawl
Now that Kate can crawl around like a little speed demon, I realize the truth of what everyone has been telling me: its not so bad when they're relatively immobile. Now she's turned into a human wrecking ball, leaving a trail of destruction and mayhem wherever she goes. She's fascinated with all wires, including stereo cables and lamp electrical cords, and loves to pull on them until the heavy (and sometimes expensive) objects they're attached to come hurtling down toward her soft head. When she sees a carpet or a tile floor, she is of course drawn to everything that stands out from the background: bits of food, dead spiders, oil stains, discarded needles, etc. And of course, everything that she can grasp with her hands goes directly into her mouth. I think she thinks its a great game entitled "What Can I Get In My Mouth Before Mom or Dad Stops Me?" Unfortunately, sometimes Dad gets tired of playing and just says, "You win, Kate!" Gulp.
Devoted Wife has been after me to fix our stair railing because there is a gap between the bottom of the railing and the floor that is large enough for a baby to fit through, or at least get her head stuck. Here's what the stairs looked like when we bought the house:
So I once again put my trusty miter saw to work and started to redo the stairs today. The trimwork carpentry book I bought last year had a section on stairs, which was pretty helpful, and I quickly got the hang of how to really improve the look. Here are a few shots of my first day's efforts:
So now that you've finished oohing and aahing over what an accomplished carpenter I am, I'll come clean and admit that we actually hired a contractor for this. Yes, I just wanted someone to think -- if even for a few seconds -- that I was a master builder. I can handle baseboards, chair rails and crown molding, but this was a bit beyond my appetite for experimentation. I also think Devoted Wife is hoping to have the project finished before she needs to take a picture in front of the stairs of Kate and her senior prom date.
If you weren't fooled when you read what I typed above and immediately thought, "No way he's telling the truth, he could never do that in a million years" then you must be one of my brothers.
We're going to stain the trim wood dark and add iron balusters that go all the way to the bottom (no dangerous gap!), and the carpet will run down the center of the stairs like a runner. I think that not only will it be much safer but it should really look nice. With each upgrade we make in the house, the formica-over-particle-board topped wet bar right in the middle of the first floor looks more and more out of place. Eventually we'll have to tear it out whether or not we can afford to replace it with something more attractive.
Last weekend when I was working on my latest home improvement project, Kate never even lifted a finger to help. She just plopped down in the hammock and read a book the whole time:
I have all of next week off, so we'll see what home improvement mischief I can get into. I could put those little locks on all of the kitchen cabinets , but that's not very exciting. Devoted Wife told me the other day that when she was at Costco she bought a new bathroom cabinet / vanity for our downstairs guest bathroom (she hadn't). When I answered "Great, I'll put it in next week!" without blinking an eye, I think she wished she really had bought it.
And I wished I really knew how to install it.
Once we get the stairs finished, I'll post a few pictures. At that time hopefully Devoted Wife and I will have smiles on our faces like this one.