Last week, I decided that Baby Kate needed to broaden her horizons and get out of the house and have an adventure. So I thought she might enjoy a trip to the beach!
Devoted Wife says she doesn't remember it quite like that; she thinks I asked her if she minded if I drove up north and went fly fishing in the surf near the little coast town of Carpinteria, leaving her alone with a four week old baby, and she suggested that she and Baby Kate come along and we make a weekend of it.
Either way, I'd say I had a great idea!
After a long week in which Baby Kate refused to adhere to any schedule whatsoever, we were looking forward to getting out of the house for a couple of days. DW and Kate picked me up from work on Friday evening, and we drove north on Highway 101, past Ventura, to
Carpinteria. DW had booked us a room in the local Best Western, which looked positively charming on the website. After checking in to our room (and feeding a screaming Baby Kate), we ventured to the restaurant across from the hotel for our first restaurant dinner with Baby Kate. The restaurant had local-caught fish and big steaks on the menu, and is one of those hometown type of places that was converted from a house to a restaurant and seems to have every member of the family working there ("Hey Grandma, could you get table 5 cleared already? And Uncle Ed, if you're going to sing to the customers while they eat, could you try something more contemporary than "Mairzy Doats?") . The hostess (probably Aunt Edna) gave us a sympathetic, knowing look when we walked in toting Kate's baby carrier, and seated us in what was probably once the back porch all by ourselves, most likely so that we wouldn't disturb the other diners if Kate decided that she'd had enough. But she was quiet the entire time, and we topped off a great meal with pieces of homemade pie -- rhubarb for me, blackberry for DW.
However, this turned out to only be the calm before the storm. After her 3 a.m. feeding, Kate reminded us why we had moved her out of our room a week or so before: she is an incredibly noisy sleeper. I don't think Devoted Wife or I got so much as 5-10 minutes of sleep between the time she finished her 3 a.m. feeding and when my alarm rang at 7 a.m. To make matters worse, the room's AC was on high and the hotel bed was as hard as a rock. When I threw my pillow against the wall in frustration at about 4:30 a.m. and started rummaging in the closet to see if I could find another blanket, Devoted Wife was convinced I was looking to see if I could fit the Pack 'n Play in the closet so we could have some peace and quiet. It was, to say the least, an experience.
After a quick breakfast on the run, DW dropped me off at the beach near Carpinteria where I met up with some other members of my company's Flyfishing Club -- this was our first club fishing trip. We had several guides who taught us the basics of casting flies into the surf.
The Angler
I soon learned that although I'd been fly fishing for years, casting a weighted fly on a weighted shooting-head line with a heavy rod into the ocean surf was very different than casting a tiny dry fly on a floating line to a trout in a small mountain stream. But it was great fun just being out there.
As far as you can tell, my technique is great!
For the most part, conditions weren't great (it couldn't have been our technique) and we only caught a few small surf perch. I'll post the photo of the single perch I caught when I get the photo from our guide -- you'll see that it was because it was my first surf-caught fish, and not because of the size, that I even bothered with a photo. But the dolphins and seals were active offshore and the weather was absolutely beautiful. Its November days like this that make we start thinking that the traffic, earthquakes, wildfires and general hubbub of Southern California are somewhat worth it.
DW and Baby Kate checked out the local scenery for a few hours and then met me at the beach. We may need to get sand paddle wheels for the stroller next time. Kate by this time was remarkably quiet and calm -- much calmer than she had been earlier that morning.
Posing in the sun (she was in the shade the rest of the time)
On our way back, we stopped for lunch in Ventura. We tried to get Baby Kate calmed down enough to attempt to repeat the previous night's success in a restaurant, but after repeatedly driving around the block (the car ride sometimes relaxes her), we gave up on fine dining options and grabbed burgers at one of my new favorite places:
The Habit.
Double-Double? No, Double Char!!!
This was absolutely fine with me. For any of you out there who have not heard of The Habit Burger Grill, allow me to educate you. In the mid '70s, two brothers who had worked as teenagers at a Santa Barbara hamburger stand bought the stand and began selling "the Charburger." Since then, they've added two more locations in Santa Barbara County, seven in Ventura County (including one in Thousand Oaks!), seven in Los Angeles County and a couple more planned in Sacramento and Torrance. Great chargrilled burgers, excellent fries and onion rings, and amazing shakes. Frankly, I think its better than In-N-Out. I know, such a statement is sacrilege in Southern Cal: let the stoning (led by Devoted Wife) begin!
Anyway, we limped back into Thousand Oaks later that night with an entirely new appreciation for the challenges of traveling with a new baby. And by "appreciation" I mean "comprehension," not "gratitude." But all in all, it was a great trip, and next time out I think Baby Kate will try her hand at fishing with Dad.