Friday, September 27, 2013

That's what friends are for

Gabby decided she wanted to get her ears pierced for her birthday this year. She was all excited to get there until it was actually time to sit and get it done...good thing we had her bestie, Rachel, come along to help.

Rachel knew just what to do. She held her hands and calmed her down. It was over before they knew it.

And now, Gabby has some beautiful red sparkly butterflies to show off!
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Judkins visit

We loved having the Judkin's come a few weekends ago (We mostly loved snatching up the baby to play!) She was a trooper while we went up the mountain to the apple orchard.
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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gabby's 7th Birthday Party

 Gabby got spoiled for her birthday this year and she and her friends got to go to the beauty school to get their nails painted. Gabby wanted a "Jessie" themed party, so the girls came home and went on a scavenger hunt for Mrs. Kipling and played "Pin the Bunny on Bertam".  Thanks to everyone who made Gabby's day so much fun!
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The Birthday Girl

Today is Gabby's 7th birthday. This sassy lady has had a pretty good weekend with friends galore. She loves gymnastics, singing, friends, babies, trampolines, friends, makeup...did I say friends? We love her cute freckles and bubbly personality. Happy Birthday to our Gabaroni Macaroni.

Here are some of her favorites right now:
Color: Turquoise
Food: Spaghetti
TV show: Jessie
Thing about school: Recess
Animal: Giraffe and Puppy
Candy Bar: Cookies and Cream
Song: Falling for ya
When I grow up I want to be: a Rockstar

Breakfast in bed on her special day...pancakes with whipped cream and bananas. Mmmmm!

Relaxing with her new foot bath and blue sucker candy. This is the good life!
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Nate had to try it out too...

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Soccer Game

Nate has started playing soccer this year and, lucky him, has lots of friends on his team. He even got our friends, the Evans, for his coaches. Of course, soccer at this age is funny because they are just learning the rules and somebody always scores goals for the wrong team, but it is cute to watch. Go green power rangers!
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