Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Cuties

Merry Christmas!!
Carter couldn't handle that I was editing these pictures and not using the mustaches. So here's for Carter:

Monday, December 06, 2010

A debut

Carter got to perform in her very first play with the children's theater last week. She was in "It's a Small World" as an American Expert. She had a line and a couple songs she got to be part of. She loved it! She has been creating/directing/acting in her own plays at home. Quite entertaining!

Monday, November 22, 2010

8 great years!

Happy Anniversary to us!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Growing up

This picture makes me feel like my kids are growing up too quick. Carter is almost 7, Gabs just turned 4 and Nate is almost 2. Carter told me the other day that Nate is too old to be a baby but too young to be out of diapers. It's true! He's not a baby anymore!

Just Dance

Nate loooooves to play games on the Wii (or the "Weed" as Gabby says). His favorite is Just Dance and he does pretty good at busting a move. Please excuse the pics of the shirtless, dancing's just how we roll at our house.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Ja-Ja & Mamy

After our last visits to Mesa, Nate cannot stop talking about Ja-Ja and Mamy (Jack and Amy). He still talks a lot of nonsense, jabber talk but I will hear Jack and Amy pop up in his conversations randomly :) Playing with cousins in the backyard
Jack's a little jealous of Nate's sucker and Nate's trying to act like he doesn't notice
A quick smile from Jack
Kisses from Auntie Amy

Halloween '10

We had a bunch of wild animals join us this year for Halloween: a little lion
a gorgeous giraffe
a magnificent monkey
and their zoo keepers. We only went trick-or-treating down one street and still had full buckets!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Sister, Sister

Gabby was showing me how she can buckle her car seat: "You snap this one here and this one here, there! I'm safe and snout!"
Carter came home from school yesterday and gave me a big hug: "I just missed you and I was a little homesick today." About 20 minutes later..."Okay, I'm a little schoolsick now."

You never know what these two will say!

Binky addict

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Painting Pumpkins '10

Gotta keep up the tradition of painting pumpkins for Halloween! It is a fun FHE activity! They each enjoyed picking out the perfect pumpkin and going to town with the paint.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


These two planned their own outfits for twin day at school. This is Carter's first spirit week (must have missed it moving schools last year?), she has been having fun with it!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saturday, October 09, 2010

All's fair

I was surprised to learn that Carter had a day off of school yesterday for the county fair. Really. They call it Fair Day and they had a parade yesterday and everything. Living in a small town has it's perks every now and again :) The girls saw lots of friends and Nate was content with his otter pop he got during the parade.

A sticker or two...

Primary Program 2010

My Mom came up to watch the girls in their Primary Program this year. It was Gabby's first year and it proved to be very sweet, as always. The girls did really well on their parts and singing. About half way through, we noticed Gabby sitting on her teachers lap with her head buried in her shoulder. She stayed there for the rest of the program. After church, we asked Gabby what happened. She said that one of the little girls in her class leaned over and said, "Don't mess with me." It was enough to scare Gabby for the rest of the meeting, ha ha!

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Nate's Fashion Trend

Nate is starting a new trend...underwear for hats. What do ya think?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Salsa Fest

Today we went to a little festival downtown called Salsa Fest. They had lots of local vendors, contests, games for the kids, yummy food, local bands, chihuahua races and salsa sampling, of course. It was HOT but fun.Whoops, they came out wearing the same thing, ha ha. But, at least they're both showing their ASU pride!
Isn't he cute? Good luck in the races little guy!
The caboose of the train ride
and a bouncy house and we're officially ready for Fall weather!

Grandma & Grandpa Durfee

We all had fun visiting with Grandma & Grandpa Durfee for a few hours. They made a quick trip to visit Robert at the dentists office, then stopped by to say hi. (Gabs insisted her baby doll be in the picture too)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Let's go to the movies

For Gabby's 4th birthday, she wanted a movie-themed party. She chose to watch the new Barbie movie and we turned our living room into a movie theater. We sent out her movie ticket invitiations but she is such a social butterfly she couldn't resist inviting a few of the older girls in our ward too. It was a big neighborhood party!They each got fake dollar bills that they could use to buy popcorn and candy for the movie.
Nate wondered how he ended up in a house full of crazy girls but he loved all the attention :)
Hope you had a fun day Gabby girl!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Gabby!

Today, Gabby turns 4 years old! She is both the sweet and silly of our family. Some of her favorites right now are:
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite toy: Paislee doll
Favorite movie: Barbie movies
Favorite food: Mac n'cheese and baked potatoes
Favorite animal: giraffe
Favorite book: When I was little
Favorite song: I am a child of God
Favorite place to visit: Tucson
Favorite treat: Milky Way
Favorite game: Outburst

We love you Gabs! Happy Birthday!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Feed the birds

The other morning, as we were driving away from dropping Carter off, Gabby said, "I just really don't like it when Carter has to go school." So to help Gabby transition to school schedules again, I have been spending more one-on-one time with her during Nate's naps. Sometimes we will read or play games but this day we decided to take on a project. We made little bird feeders to hang in the trees. Gabs did most of the project all by herself!
The finished product
And it made the long afternoon seem shorter
(Looks like someone had a little sample of the peanut butter :)