Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sparks vs the chihuahua

Robert took the girls out to try their new jeep when this little guy (sporting a festive Christmas sweater) let them know they had crossed over into his territory. Good thing he was just a wimpy chihuahua and was afraid of blue jeeps.
Then, the next door neighbors came in their new ride and they cruised the streets of Safford together. Nate and I watched the drama play out from inside. We already feel like we are a part of the neighborhood.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

The outtakes

We took some family pics to use for Christmas cards and Gabs was in a mood. Let me just show you:

The "I'm not smiling no matter what you say" face

The "she's touching me" face

The "fake like you're asleep so maybe you can go home" face

The "I'm naughty and I know it" face
Oh Gabs.
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Helping Out

We got to go to the park last weekend for a family picnic. The big kids took a turn pushing the little kids in the swings. We will miss being close to all our cousins!
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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

There was a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, too much to list. We had a fun day filled with family, awesome food, playing, crafting, football, feeding chickens (Carter's favorite part) and naps. A perfect day!

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Turkey Trotters

Carter biked, Gabs and Nate rode in the stroller, everyone had a blast!
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