Saturday, March 22, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Going green

Here's to a Happy St. Patty's Day!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Gabby was giving Copper kisses and loves to say his name..."Popper".


Let's go fly a kite

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Something to smile about

We haven't seen grass or sunshine in so long...
we tried to soak up as much as possible while in the valley!

Chelsea's Bridal Shower!

Alright Becky, here ya go! Chelsea's shower was so fun and soooo cute. Here is one one of the games they played. They had my Mom and Chelsea answer questions about Marshall to see who knew him better. They had to chew a piece of bubble gum for every wrong answer and they tied..9 pieces each!
The desserts were to die for and look how adorable everything was!

Carter, of course, got to help Chelsea open some presents and kept saying that it was the funnest birthday party she'd ever been to.
Less than 6 weeks 'til the wedding day! Congrats Chelsea & Marshall!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Already a blogger

It was one of those days...

you know, the kind where you are bordering on the edge of sanity because your house is full of 5 preschoolers who are not minding their manners and writing on your walls with purple chapstick. Wow! Perfect timing for a girls night out...and it made the day turn out okay!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Tagged by Juliette...

10 years ago: Let's see, I was 16. Just got my licence and having fun/being crazy with high school friends.

5 things on my to-do list:
1. Laundry, it never ends
2. Take my kids to the park to fly their new kites
3. Make salsa
4. Prepare lesson for nursery tomorrow
5. Give Robert a hair cut

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Cereal
2. Bug bites graham crackers
3. Strawberries
4. Vanilla pudding with chocolate chips
5. Chips & salsa

5 places I have lived:
1. Mesa, AZ
2. Colorado Springs, CO
3. Littleton, CO
4. Logan, UT
5. Flagstaff, AZ

What would I do if I was suddenly made a billionaire: Hmmm, I can think of lots of practical stuff but I'll just list the fun stuff. I'd get a nice house and hire someone to help me decorate it. Then, I would go on a fun vacation. And, I'd probably get Robert a Porsche and a Mercedes for myself.

5 jobs I have had:
1. Boys & Girls Club
2. Piano teacher
3. Bank One/Chase
and lots of little summer jobs etc. but these are the main ones

5 things you didn't know about me:
1. I am the clumsiest person I know. Really. Robert says that he's amazed that I am still alive because of how many times I will fall down, slip, run into things, drop something...on a daily basis.
2. We have moved 5 times since we have been married!
3. I only like having colored nailpolish on my toes. I think that my hands look funny with colored polish and I only put clear polish on my hands. Weird, I know.
4. Speaking of nail polish, I love going to get pedicures but I have really ticklish feet. I always laugh out loud when I go get one and I always feel like an idiot but I can't help it.
5. I still call my Mom all the time to talk. It's at least every other day or so and my Mom always misses her exit on the freeway because she is talking to me :)