Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Has been "replaced" by facebook !! :O
Why did this happen ??

Friday, November 22, 2013

Washington Estates, IL Destroyed by Tornado

WASHINGTON ESTATES, Illinois (a suburb near Washington, IL)
Destroyed by Tornado - November 17, 2013
I wasn't born here...I "WAS" here. From 12-15 years old.A happy gal who knew her neighbours,Who "belonged"; who had "best girl friends".
My self-confidence and inner growth moved on with my family.

This wonderful place... is gone.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

JOE NEELY 1958-1988


1958 - 1988 Sweethearts Forever 

Every single day I think of you--and smile 
Remember you bellowing "On the Street Where You Live"--on bended knee outside my 3rd floor apartment 
Your being outside every door I exited...

 (I think that's called, "Stalking!!", Joe.)
Our walking--together--through the valley to your new Home.

R - "I love you, Joe."
J - "And I... you."

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dear Isaac

We just heard that you received my letter...
Know that you are ALWAYS welcome here,
in our home and in our hearts.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Quebec Charter of Values (a proposal)

Quebec Charter of Values: your FAQ guide to a secular public service | canada.com

Please click on the above to hear the proposed Charter.
It is important to read the final words of this presentation.

As a follow-up, RHOTO attended a forum discussion at the Reformed Temple this past Sunday.  There were four (4) academics and four (4) members of different religions.

The consensus amongst the academic group was that the bottom-line "elephant" in this issue is Islamophobia. The religious group was afraid of direct repercussions against their members.

One interesting thought that I remember:
A Holocaust reminder that during THAT awful time, a Jew HAD identify him/herself with a Yellow Star. NOW the Quebec government wants kippahs to be taken off by certain groups--it is a religious symbol--and, therefore--not wanted to be seen.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Bagging a Beauty !!

After looking out from my perch inside for several weeks And then physically surveying the territory for three days... ... TODAY I bagged two beautiful specimens!! Brought them home like a brave hunter Spread them out and gave them the once over... One of them has to be thrown back... Just not quite right... So, I'll be off another day to the 1670 trading post To bag myself another beauty!!

PS...  Beautiful blue velvet top PLUS beautiful blue velvet trousers = expensive lounge look...  
Not exactly what I was hoping for 
