Monday, September 3, 2012

School 2012

4th Grade. Upper grade. Bigger hall. More homework. Meaner teacher ;). Matthew rocks at school. He loves it. He is smart, loves school lunch, recess,  has the best of friends and finally a sweet little brother to join him! 

We missed him the minute he walked out the door. Milo had to wait a full week to join him. 

I wont lie, I was feeling a little nervous for Milo to go. It felt like it was me and him for such a long time. I loved every minute with him. I worried he'd miss me. Me again thinking... I bet Milo will be my kid that hates school like i did.

A funny story, the morning of his first day of school Milo gets in the shower, he always yells for me when he's done. And he did. I walked in with a towel and he was standing there with an eyelash on his finger ready to make a wish. I went first, I wished Milo would be SO happy at his first day of kindergarten. Milo went next, he said "I wish we had cable."

Needless to say he loves school too. He has a sweet teacher. An "awesome" playground, great new friends, and best of all a new scooter to ride home with Matthew.

Love these boys.
(3 posts in one day kel. That is for you!)

Labor Day 2012

Today we decided we would head up to swiss days sense none of use could remember the last time we went. We were itching for a drive up the canyon, Some good booth shopping, and a shake at Granny's afterwards. The canyon was busy! Lots of cars. We pulled into Midway and instantly knew it was going to be packed. Nick got his aggressive driving on, and cut down a back street. He had a plan for a somewhat doable parking place. As we got closer and closer and closer..... Well, we found out Swiss days ended Saturday. ;( Bummer. 

We headed to Sundance instead.

Is this really my baby girl?!

 We always laugh at ourselves at how we explore nature. Nick always tells Matthew "Rhineer's don't camp!"  We usually never need water bottles, I can usually wear flip flops, plumbed bathrooms are never too far,  and there is always a stop in the nearest gift shop:). Oh Boy.

  "So is this food?" Stella eating grass.

Sundance is SO pretty. 

Love spending time with this crew.

SO adventurous. We'll need to be working on that... Happy Labor day!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

THE First Annual...

Cj's 1st annual golf tournament. I have a lump in my throat posting this. It still seems unreal.
So much love for Cj. It was a great day.

Probably my favorite group.

But these guys were a close 2nd. Love and Thanks for the support.

             ... or was it these guys?

            Wait, how could this group not be my favorite. Way to golf Keri. You amaze me everyday.

I do know for sure who the cutest people there were though. These two. 
I love our family with all my heart. This trial really seems unbearable at times. (am I really posting right now?! I shouldn't be.) 

The new happy. Spending time watching the sunset with the family.
Love you Cj.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Matthew

Happy Happy 9th birthday sweet Matthew! I can tell you the kind of kid he is just by telling you what he asked for this year.... An Angels hat and Scriptures. He couldn't make us happier.
We love you so so so much!

He didn't want cake just doughnuts. And when we gave him the choice to eat anywhere he wanted he chose a hamburger! (are you kidding me?) Love this picture, Matthew waiting patiently while we sang our very loudest most obnoxious happy birthday song. We couldn't even get a little smile. Now that I look at it he looks like he's zoning us out! We had fun spending the night up at grandma and grandpa's place in Midway. Lots of swimming and watching the olympics.   

Love you Matthew. You are the best.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A story for Stella.

Stella's story is one that gets me teary every time I think about it. She is an absolute blessing in our lives. Stella came to us when we needed her most, and has taught me so much about life in the three short months she's been a part of our little family. I love her with all my heart.

Where to begin?... Before you were conceived, (yeah we're going way back) I was pregnant with a baby we later miscarried. That baby was to be born on September 22, 2011. I remember having some of my closest friends over for a little play group. Because I had wanted to be pregnant for quite some time I was so excited to tell everyone we we're expecting. While we talked (and mostly ate) it slowly came out all 5 of us were expecting. All within a month of each other! One of my best friends, we shared the the exact same due date!! I was so excited. I had a close neighbor who too was expecting in September as well. It was going to be a fun journey with all my dear friends.

The days (and weeks) after we miscarried were hard (that's another story...)  and confusing, why in the world did this happen to us?

Now lets fast forward... We found out we were pregnant with you. Awesome! I loved being pregnant again and even better, with a GIRL! I couldn't wait for our due date in February.

When February arrived I was ready. I was totally huge, uncomfortable and excited for you to be here. We had gone to the doctor and I remember he had told us there was no way I was going to make it to our due date. You were ready to come soon.  You would come any day. The night before the 14th I had contracted all night, had even woke dad up thinking we were going to have our baby that night. I knew I had an appointment the next day, so when my contraction didn't get close enough together, we figured we'd see what the doctor had to say that next day.... That next day... I can't write about it. The day forever has changed our lives. CJ died. We were numb.

We still went to the doctors amongst all the chaos and confusion the day brought. It was hard. Our doctor was so great. He said, "Go home, if you haven't had the baby by Thursday, we will talk at that appointment. She needs to get here."

We set up a date to be induced the next Tuesday.  Now you decided you would take your time. My contractions totally slowed down.

Life was a mess the rest of the week. Still can't go there. But Tuesday finally arrived. Kelly had taken the boys for a sleepover while we went to the hospital early early the next morning. I remember the morning with dad. It was the first I had seen him happy in a while. We were so excited to finally meet you. We went to the hospital and had the best time. We spent the day together talking about your name, your middle name, what we thought you would look like, the crazy family in the next room :), it was a break we had needed, time together. alone. I loved it.

You came and it was the best. You brought so much happiness to us. We loved sitting holding you. Just looking. Loving.

It wasn't until later I learned. A friend sent me a text..."Don't want to bother you. I've herd about CJ and I've herd Sweet Stella has arrived. Praying you can find the peace that only Stella can bring at this time."  It hit me like a ton of bricks. Stella was the only thing bringing us peace at that time. You brought us happiness when we were so sad about CJ's death. You taught me a huge lesson. A lesson about Heavenly Father. A lesson I knew but never thought to deeply about. Heavenly Father had a plan for our family all along. When we miscarried, He knew. He knew we needed you when our lives were going to be flipped upside down. It is hard to write about it, but I know Heavenly Father loves us.  He sends us trials that seem unbearable. But I know He's there. I know there is a personal plan for each of us. I know we will all be together, united in Heaven some day... and I can't wait. We Love you Stella and are so incredibly blessed to have you.

P.S. I also believe the reason you decided to take your sweet time coming to us, was you were with your (awesome) uncle CJ. I am thankful for that.

Happy Blessing Day Stella. We love you!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Milo's Toys

Oh my goodness! It hit me today. When I took this picture. Soon all these super heros will be intertwined with Barbies and My little ponies! Oh boy... Or should I say girl?!

Halloween 2011


Matthew as Grandpa

Milo as scary mummy

The crew about to hit the streets

The goods!

Friday, September 16, 2011


This tutorial is awesome!! Watch this (at least until rule #4). Some crucial rules to being a true fan. We've got some work to do at our house.

BYU Football Fan Playbook

Friday, July 8, 2011

A post by Milo

Me and Milo hangin'. Matthew's at a birthday party. Dad's studying. Good times. Good times.
A word from Milo: Hi computer, Matthew never watched TV show with me. Tyler knows to read. Our's go to the library so my's can pick out books. What to do what to do. Watch me do this. I love high school musical....2.
Summer is Awe-some!