Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's a life lesson that keeps presenting me with opportunities to become more aware and grow. I think I have had more trouble with patience than almost anything. It's part of who I am... I am eternally patient when I am teaching, when I am supporting a friend, when I am focussed outward... but when it comes to my own needs or wants, my resolve flies out the window like a trapped bird. If I want something to happen, if I want to accomplish something or learn something new, as soon as I decide that I want this thing, whatever it is, it needs to happen yesterday.
For eight months now, I have been trying to recover from a nerve injury in my arm. Progress has been excruciatingly slow. It feels as though I take a couple of steps forward and then I push myself a little too far and stumble backward.. again and again. I can't do the full body exercises that I want to do... I can't restore my strength, I can't do physical activities that I really want to do... until. Until my body decides to heal completely. Until I stop the battle within myself, surrender to the situation and allow my body the space to heal.
I wonder what it is within me that has decided that I am on rush time? What's the hurry? The trees don't bud until their limbs feel the gradual warmth of the sun. And the blossoms don't open up to the world until the time is right and they are confident they can flourish. Spring doesn't happen overnight. Most essential things don't. Everything evolves with its own particular flow.
Perhaps I need to absorb more fully what I see through my lens. Each beautiful thing I observe has brought itself into fullness at a slow and gentle pace. Even decay has its own unhurried process. Nature is providing me with an answer, if I would just slow down and take her seriously.