
8 years strong!

So I need just come forward and say it...I'm a horrible updater of this blog!  Horrible!  I need to be better.  So I'm publicly announcing that.... I will be better!
 For the zillion pictures I take, I REALLY have gotta be postin' a lot more or I'm never gonna remember half of our life!!  
I figured today was a great place to start.  It's our 8 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. So, I went back and found a picture from each year that represented something memorable we did!  I hope you enjoy  goin' down our lil memory lane. 
 Don't laugh too hard at us! 
We thought we were cool.

2002-The engagement picture!  Gotta love the turtlenecks! 

 2003- The big wedding day!! Was it really 8 years ago?????  
 2004- The first year had A LOT OF FIRSTS.  Like reading together.  It was pretty much something that we didn't disagree on. ha ha....Rex looks thrilled, doesn't he?
 2005- We moved to New York City and played ALL SUMMER LONG. (Well actually...Rex worked.  A lot. :)

2006- We took this picture on Mothers Day to announce that there were actually....3 heartbeats in this picture. :)

 2007-  This was a huge momentous occasion.  It was the first vacation we took as PARENTS. :) Jackson Hole! (Really, this was huge for us, to actually leave our house and take our kid off his schedule.) So glad we did!!
 2008- We went on a Carribean cruise to celebrate 5 YEARS!!! Ahhhhh good times :)  

 2009- Cameron got a LITTLE BROTHER and we became a family of 4!!!

2010- Well....The picture speaks for itself!  We were pretty excited! 
ok......we were ECSTATIC!!!!

2011- Enjoyin' a few lil trips reminding us that we're
 jumpin' for joy,
 poppin' the back leg up, 
super cheesy grinnin', 
cheek squishin',
 tight huggin'
MADLY, DEEPLY IN LOVE after 8 amazing years. :) :) :) :)