
a new jOuRnEy.......

It has been a humbling past couple of weeks for me. Many reasons, but one in particular. I got a new calling in our ward- I wasn't REALLY prepared for what it was.....but in a sense I guess you could say I was. As usual, when I get that call from the Bishop asking to come and visit for a few minutes...INSTANT panic sets in. I was almost 100% positive that I was going to get called to be the Sunday school teacher..thanks to my neighbor Troy (also the SS president) who told me he had mentioned to the Bishop that he wanted us to be teachers....So all week I was anxious, nervous..( I really DO NOT like teaching ) about how I was going to dodge this one....But, Wednesday came and while I was out for my morning run; I realized ..I KNEW in my heart what the calling would be. Lets be honest, I don't usually guess correctly on what the bishop visits will pertain to or what my next calling will be....but this time around....I just knew. They called me to be the Young Women's president. I was floored that they would want someone so "inadequate" as myself. I feel as though I had just left YW, and now I'm supposed to be leading them and ...planning and all that stuff?? Talk about overwhelming amounts of emotions. So....here I start this new journey in life and HOPE that I can really try to make a difference in these girls' lives and hope that I can truly fulfill this calling. So...to any of you YW presidents out there....I am totally open to any advice and ideas about what things have worked for you in the past!


Lava trip #3

Here we went again for the 3rd time...This was a fun little last minute trip we took. Rex was traveling so I decided to try and brave it without him,those first couple nights! Cam actually did a million times better than I thought and he even slept in the trailer with ME!!! I never thought it would happen, but he loved it and we slept nice and tight next to each other! He's such a snuggle bug in the night!

Whoever says rain ruins camping trips...hasn't been camping with us!! We love it when it POURS! (you can see why...)

He is totally in charge when he is on the 4 wheelers! (or so he thinks!)

I love his bangs ..they are totally curling back over his hood!

Whoever thought potatoes would entertain a child at 10:30 at night??? Honestly!


Summertime ROCKS!

We love the SUMMER! Enough said! I thought I'd try to catch up on all the fun we've been having and maybe....just maybe ...I'll keep on top of blogging! Enjoy our crazy timeline of posts!...........

Friends are the BEST!

Rex has had to travel so much and its been such a blessing to have friends who will come play with me while he is away! Sheena came over last week and shared her new TOY with me for a few hours and it was one of the funnest nights ever! She is so much fun!! She got the COOLEST camera ever..the Canon Rebel XSI and I can't wait to get mine.... (babe..... i hope your reading) We got some fun pictures!!! Thanks for all your photography advice Sheena, I can't wait to put it to use!!

He is totally in a big kid swing....Does this mean he's not my baby anymore. :(

I love this picture....It captures just how little those fingers are...

Deep in thought....

He LOVED playing on the railroad...Excellent idea Sheena!

Admiring the cat tail....

Kisses Kisses Kisses!

This grass kept tickling his neck so he'd cringe..its so cute cause it looks like he is posing!
He LOVES to say prayers! he always kneels and folds his arms hoping to pray!
He was so tired of taking pictures but we couldn't help but snap one more of his overly exhausted- i want to go home- face. Priceless right?

Birthday Bash for little Kyn~

How CUTE is she????? (and the cake is awesome! Good Job Sheen!)

Chillin at the pool and chewin on a cracker or something....

Cam LOVED the slide and HATED waiting in line. It was fun taking him down it, even though he was a pill in the line!

Beach Ball and Beach baby! (look at him suck in that tummy!)

Posing for a pic at the party ...but notice Cam is NOT looking at the camera (whats new?) he was totally trying to figure out how to get that balloon because the instant the picture was snapped he was OFF to chase it! ......

Or wait...the dog is chasing him! I probably should be right behind him making sure it didn't attack him, but as you can see I'm just standing in the background watching. :) (this puppy LOVED him!) it was so cute!

Seriously...How old am I???

Well it happened. I had a birthday full of domestic useful items......and I LOVED it. I never thought I'd actually enjoy getting stuff like new dinnerware, kitchen appliances, and a SEWING machine..These are all things we give my grandma for Christmas...not stuff I get when I'm 25!!!!! But much to my disoriented thinking...I was VERY grateful for the fun birthday I had this year. I didn't waste anytime putting it to use...here is my first project on my own....

YAY...i got the light on....This is progress!...

I decided to make Cam a blanket.... once I finally got him to stay off of it, so I could put the batting in, we started with the stitching! It was a fun first project!

You can't really see it, but it has a star stitching. It kinda looked like the lacing off of the baseballs.

Once it was completely finished, Cam squealed when I wrapped him up in it! I think that's a good sign he liked it!!


Bug Bug Bug Bug......

This is Camerons new FAVORITE WORD and ACTIVITY! One week in church I was trying extremely hard to get him to be quiet so I didn't have to take him out for like a 4th time, i decided to pull out a paper and pen and color for him...Bugs being the only thing I could think up at the time to draw, I started my masterpiece...It actually worked. I was telling Cam it was a bug and showing him how to draw them and now he is OBSESSED. If he sees a pen or marker or crayon he immediately screams bug bug bug! and finds anything in his path he can color.....ya know; like, couches, lovesacs, floors, walls, books....you name it, he colors it. But he has now learned where the papers and pens are and he LOVES to draw all the time! (I also walked in on him today when he was out on the patio and chasing a little ladybug all over yelling BUG bug bug.... Momma, a BUG! ----i LOVE it!


Lava trip # 2.....

Here we are again.....We truly love this place. Its beautiful! I love being in the mountains and being able to escape away from the world. There is such a sense of peace and serentiy I can find when I'm here.Which is why I am always up for another camping trip to this place~ We can't get enough of it! I find it interesting though...We spend a lot of time wishing we were up there and after the first day of being there...we spend our time wishing we were able to be home and take a shower. It think it proves that we're never satisfied with where we are in life as people. It reminds me to stop and take time to enjoy where we're at! We did just that on this week long trip! Thanks again mom and dad for the fun!

This is our little rock patio outside where our trailer sits. We're building it from rocks we found all over in the mountain. It looks really cool all finished...but Cam enjoyed drivin' the Tonka Trucks all over it and getting himself quite dirty in the process....

I promise I'm not getting dirty Mom! I don't put the dirt in this bucket and dump it on my head...

He hasn't quite figured out how to hide his evidence! Now do you see why we wish we could go home for a day and shower!!!! Thats what camping is all about...getting dirty and lovin' it!

Workin' hard; laying the rocks down!

Cam LOVED going on the VROOM VROOM'S ....the first thing he would say each morning when he woke up was "Bompa, vroom vroom" Meaning...Grandpa,I want a ride on the 4 wheelers!He spent at least 80% of his time on these!!

The rope swing is so fun! (Have you ever wondered what muscles it takes to hold yourself up on a rope...well click this picture and you'll be able to see!) CRAZY!

My mom is gonna kill me for posting this pic of us after camping for 4 days with no shower! But it was so fun at like midnight that night with us all goofin around, I needed a pic to remind us of it..(I love ya Mom!)

This is Cam's new FAVORITE thing to do! he loves to bend over and lift up one of his legs and try to do somersaults.... He was even tryin it on tables!


If you have ever seen the commercial for IKEA of the lady running out of the store like a crazy person...you can't help but wonder what this store is all about!

This is one of my new FAVORITE place to go! The girls in my family took a Saturday and headed to Draper to indulge ourselves in the store which is RAVED about by so many women...so we decided we needed to partake of its goodness...and we did!!! It was such a fun day to spend with my mom and sisters!! I don't have many pictures(which is probably better so I'm not reminded of how much useless stuff I bought, but it was so cute!) ...but this one is so cute! Cam was very excited about his new little stepping stool I bought him! He put it right to use! Imagine the electric bill now!!!

sWiMMiNg iS oUr fAvOriTe~~~~

I am so glad we bought a pass to the Logan pool this summer! It has been the greatest place to be on these HOT sunny days! He especially is loving going down the slide!!

He looks so old here!!!

He was mesmerized with his legs floating!

Katie and Cam under the buckets!! Cam would laugh so hard when they dumped the water! It was so fun!

the BEST news of the summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE PASSED THE FE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the biggest test an Engineer has to take! After ALOT of dedication, time, studying, praying, and Hoping for the best..... He passed with flying colors! We are so proud of you babe!!!! You are amazing!!

This little poster was waiting for him when he got home from work after he received the news...totally cheesy, I know!! But it was fun!

a MorNiNg On ThE LaKe.....

One of my favorite pastimes living at home was.... In the spur of the moment, we'd decide at midnight to take a quick trip out to the lake for a few hours the next morning before my dad had to head to work. We'd wake up around 6:30 and get the boat ready and head out. It was early..

but it was worth it~
Recently, I was able to relive that pastime once again and it was even better than I remembered! My dad, me, Cam, my sisters and brother all headed out! After we had our breakfast out in the middle of the lake....the madness of wakeboarding, skiing and tubing fun began!

This is my bro catchin some sweet air on the wakeboard~

My sis is on the double skiis and I'm on the wakeboard...We totally look like dorks...but that's what double skiing is all about!...oh and notice that GLASSY WATER!

MY CRAZY HUSBAND catchin a wave! (It makes me laugh every time i see it... )

Todd slalom skiing.....We both wanted to see if we could still slalom ski even though we hadn't done it in seriously like 5 years...and we both made it up on our FIRST try!! ....Now its your turn DAD!

He was NOT happy about wearing this PINK hat...but hey, it was all I had at the time! Isn't he Supa cute!??


*~*~pArK CiTy~*~*

We've had a really hard time being able to get our WHOLE family together for a BIG family vacation, so we've been taking lot of little weekend get-a-ways and random trips close to home, so people can come and go when they need to. But sometimes, I think those trips are the funnest ones. We have had so much fun on them..... This trip we stayed in a condo in Park City for a few days! It was a blast and the condo was BEAUTIFUL! Thanks MOM AND DAD for another fun week/weekend away!
Cam loved getting up to the bar and trying to help make dinner! I think he just liked sneaking the cheese and eating it!

Kickin his feet up(almost) and relaxin on the balcony! Notice the little green tractor. He took it EVERYWHERE! It was so cute!

Layin in bed watchin his cartoons! ..Can you find him amongst all those covers!??

We LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE swimming pools! Anywhere there's a pool, we're there! Aunt Katie took him swimming every day!

Cute! (even though he is on a girlie purple floatie for the moment!)

Cameron LOVES being with Grandpa! You can tell he looks up to him...but this pictures shows him LITERALLY doing just that......This may quite possibly be the CUTEST thing I have ever seen Cam do! He saw Grandpa shaving and literally stood next to him continually saying..vroom vroom vroom(the noise he makes OVER AND OVER for ANYTHING with a motor) and practically begging Grandpa to just let him look at this enticing contraption that was making such an interesting noise while going on his face....so to his curiosity....Grandpa taught him what to do...AND well, He'll be growing a Fu-manchu in the next week. I'm sure of it.

Chillaxin' with my Grandpa!

*~*~Jordanelle Reservoir*~*~

Walkin' on water!

Uncle Todd and Aunt Katie takin him on the sidewalk out to the middle~ Cam loved this, even though the water was soooo COLD!
Our Little family standing on the sidewalk! It was so fun walking on it, into the middle of the lake!

Just waiting for the family to meet back at the car....and he kept givin us this smile! Isn't he cute!

Ok, what is wrong with this picture?? We are standing on **SNOW** at Deer Valley ski resort in our SWIMMING SUITS! Utah weather!

I love playing with my dad!!! (oh and the rocks are pretty cool too! He had about 15 down his shirt!)

a real LIFE SIZE tractor! he was in 7th heaven and his vroom vroom's lips never stopped going till the tractor was out of sight!
Tickets to ride the zip line! Which was SO fun with a GORGEOUS view!

My mom took this picture of Cam just waiting on a rock for us to come off the zipline...I LOVED it!!!