Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunday Drive

We wanted to go on a Sunday drive so we decided to go Wolverine Canyon. We loaded up in the car and drove up there for a couple of hours. I had not ever been up there and either had the girls so we were excited to see what we were missing. As we drove into the canyon the girls noticed a little waterfall and they were so excited to see more. We didn't see anymore waterfalls but it is a beautiful area and it was only about 30 minutes from our house. We got out of the car and Rex told the girls that he would take them for a hike up this little hill. I guess we haven't ever taken our girls hiking before because just going up that little hill was so great for them. They had so much fun on that little hike they just kept talking about it the whole way home. They asked us to take them camping, hiking, and fishing next weekend. I am not sure that we will be able to go next weekend but we are planning on taking them very soon. We don't have a Trailer anymore so we don't do much camping, I hate to tent it. I think that I could handle going up there for a night and I know that my girls would love it. We just need to get a few more things done in the yard and then we can take them camping. :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Were Making Progress!

I am so excited that we are finally making some progress on our yard. This last weekend we sprayed all of our weeds with round-up (I really hope that they die) we have so many that it pretty much took us all day. We have very little cooperation from the sprayers. They kept getting clogged and not spraying and we kept having to stop to go clean them out. It was a long a day to say the least! We finally got our plants that we bought weeks ago planted in our flower beds, my parents came over and help us with that part. Thanks, Mom and Dad we really appreciate the help! I just hope I remember to keep them watered so that they don't die before we get the sprinkler system up and running. On Tuesday we rented a pipe puller and we pulled the pipe for our sprinkler system. I am so excited that we actually might have some grass before the end of the summer. (I am sure our neighbors are excited too!) Rex said that he hopes to have the sprinkler system done by the end of Memorial Day but, the weather isn't supposed to be very good so I guess we'll have to see if he can get it done!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Last Thursday I took the girls to have their picture taken by Chantri. She did such a good job with the kids. She was so patient and cute with them. She posted a few of their pictures on her blog. You can click here to go to her blog. I am so excited to get to see the rest of the pictures. She got some really cute ones of the girls and she was so inexpensive and very easy to work with. I love the ones that she posted, I just can't wait to see the rest of them! We did a Simply Unique session. She has a different one every month they are very fun and inexpensive so be sure to check out her website for more information. :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our Weekend

We had beautiful weather on Saturday and we didn't even get a single thing done in our yard. :( We decided last week sometime that we need to get a new truck ours is really old (1979 to be exact) and just not economical, plus it is only a single cab and we have 4 people in our family. Rex had decide that we need to get one of 3 kinds of trucks so we set out early Saturday morning to test drive. It took us all day but we did finally get a new truck. Wow, was it a long day! I am so thankful for my girls. They had to tag along with us to all of the different car dealerships and they were so good. I am so blessed to have such good kids. I couldn't ask for better children, they are such a blessing to me. I had a wonderful Mothers Day, the girls were so excited Sunday morning to give me the gifts that they had made at school. Those are the best gifts, the ones that come from the heart. I loved what they made. Tabrie had planted some marigolds in a cup and made a sweet little card. Briley made this cute little thing that said "I love you this much" it was a heart with yarn and little cut outs of her hands you pull the hands to opposite sides so it looks like arms stretched out. I am so grateful to be a Mom and the blessing it is in my life. I couldn't have asked for anything more in life. My family is such a wonderful blessing to me. I have a wonderful husband who is so sweet to me and two beautiful girls. I think I am the luckiest girl alive. :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sorry for the lack of posts

I am sorry that I have been such a slacker. I don't really know why but it seems I have been kind of busy lately and just haven't been blogging much. We are trying to take advantage of the nice weather and get things done in our yard. The weekend before last we went and bought a whole bunch of shrubs and bushes for our yard. Then this last weekend Rex did some more work on the patio and we got curbing. The girls and I had a little service project that we did Saturday morning for the Modern Woodmen Youth Service Club that I am the leader of. We had about 10 kids and 7 adults come and help us plant flowers at Life Care Center. It was a fun little project. We went to Pizza Hut afterwards, then Tabrie got to go to a birthday party at Bear Buddies, that is a cute little store. Afterwards we headed to Twin Falls for a meeting I needed to go to for the Youth Service Club. We stayed over night in Twin (the kids love staying in hotels). We spent Sunday morning looking at the sights in Twin (watching people base jump and going to Shoshone Falls) then we headed home. We had a good weekend! I just love spending time with my little family. It was so fun to be with just them all weekend. Sorry, it has been so long since my last post I am going to try to get back into the swing of things.