Sunday, March 30, 2008

Addicted to blogging

I can't believe how much I enjoy blogging, it is my new addiction.( I'm not sure if that is good or not) I feel bad sometimes because Rex will say to me if we aren't busy doing anything "are you going to get on your computer". Its just I love to read all of my friends blogs and look at all of the cute things you all post. I have loved learning more about everyone. I have also met some really fun new people because of blogging. I didn't have any idea that I would enjoy blogging this much when I started. (I wasn't really sure I was going to keep my blog when I started) Thanks so much to all of you for making blogging so fun!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring Break?

I feel really bad because this week was spring break and we didn't do anything fun for the girls. Although, Briley was in heaven because Tabrie was home to play with her everyday this week and she wasn't "bored". The weather stunk! It wasn't spring weather at all! It was cold and windy pretty much all week. The only sort of fun thing that we did was go to Artic Circle for lunch on Thursday. We went with Janeal and another one of my friends and her kids. The kids really enjoyed being able to get out of the house and play. I just don't love the food at any of the kid friendly restaurants so I have to talk myself into going to any of them. I am also so scared that my kids will get sick from playing on the toys at places like that so I don't like going to them very often. I am hoping that the weather will get warm soon so that we can start taking the kids to the park for picnics and to play outside on the toys . We got them a swing set for Easter so it would be nice if the weather would warm up so that the ground will dry enough that we could put it up for them to play on. I have spring fever so bad, I just hope spring like weather will show up soon.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Recipe Group

Janeal and I have been thinking that it would be really fun to have a recipe group with all of our blogging friends. I have talked to a couple of other people who are interested. Janeal has a post with more information on what we want to do on her blog. Click here to go to her blog and read the post. If you are interested be sure to leave a comment with the day that will work for you. We want to see how many people are interested. I think that this will be a fun way to have a girls night out and get to know all of our blogging friends a little better. :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Little Gamers

I have always wondered if my kids are the only kids who love playing games. My girls ask every single day if we can play a game. We of course don't have time to play games with them every time they ask. We do try to play games with them as often as we can though. They love all games, but their favorites are Princess Uno, Princess Monopoly, and Chutes and Ladders. They are actually quite good at them too. It is so fun to watch them get excited when they win or they do something that will put them in the lead. I love games too! It is so fun spending time with my little family playing games and having fun together. I love my girls so much, I am so glad that they are a part of my life. All of the things that they do throughout the day that are naughty are all worth the "I love you" at the end of the day. I am so grateful for my daughters and hubby they are the best!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Fun

Every year my Mom puts on an Easter egg hunt for her grandkids, and my girls look forward to it each year. On Saturday we went up to my sister house for the egg hunt because she has so many good hiding places. This year my Mom had put play money in some of the eggs and candy in the others. She had a little "store" where they could spend their money They loved it and came home with quite a bit of stuff. I am so glad that my Mom enjoys doing things like that for my kids because they love it and really appreciate her for doing it.

Later on Saturday afternoon my friend Amberlee brought her kids over and we colored eggs. The kids just loved coloring eggs. They would have colored them for hours if we would have let them. They all had a blast and they actually didn't make a huge mess which is good for me! :)

Sunday morning we had to just let the kids take a peek at what the Easter bunny brought so we could get to church by 9:00 am. The girls love getting dressed up in their new clothes and going to church. I tried to get some good pictures of them before we left, but we were in such a hurry that I just had to go with what I could get. (I didn't love any of the ones I got) We came home and rested for a while. Then we went to Rex's parents house for Easter dinner and a little Easter egg hunt. The kids just love going over there to spend time with their cousins. We had a great Easter. I love Easter and I am so thankful for our Savior and his atonement. We are so blessed to have the Savior in our lives. I am so grateful for all of our wonderful family and friends.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Bunny Cupcakes

The girls went to Aunt Janeal's house today while I was at work and made these cute little bunny cupcakes! Janeal said that they had a blast making the cupcakes and they also made quite a mess, but they had fun, so I guess that is what counts. They were so proud of their "masterpieces" they couldn't wait to show them off when they got home. Janeal took some pictures of them and e-mailed them to me so that I could post them. We are so blessed to have family close so that the kids can do fun things with their cousins. We are going to color eggs and have a couple of Easter egg hunts this weekend. I can't wait to take pictures so that I can post them. I love that I am always thinking about taking pictures. I used to be so bad at remembering to take them, but now I am always looking for pictures to blog so this has been very good for me. ( now maybe I will have pictures to show my kids when they are older)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Birthday Party!

Tabrie had a birthday in February. My Mom and Sister made her an awesome cake. The kids that came to her party wanted to eat the cake soooo bad! It was made out of rolled fondant so it wouldn't have tasted good. I told my Mom that's a lot of work for something to just look at. It was so cute and Tabrie absolutely loved it. Grandma makes both of my girls a cake every year for their birthdays and always does a great job. Every year near their birthday they can't wait to see what kind of cake Grandma is going to make for them. It is so cute to see how proud they are of their birthday cakes at their birthday parties. They always tell their friends "my Grandma made it for me".

This is a cute picture of Briley and her cousin Carter from Tabrie's birthday party. I thought it was so cute! You'd never know from looking at this picture but the two of them don't always get along. Briley always thinks that Carter is being mean to her, she tattles on him all of the time. Carter is 100% boy (he doesn't realize how strong he is) and Briley is kind of a wimpy girl.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dirt Biking

For Christmas we got the girls dirt biking gear, on Christmas morning I made them all put on their new gear so I could get a picture of them in it. They are so excited for the snow to melt so that they can get all dressed up in their gear and go for a dirt bike ride. Of course their Dad wants the snow to melt more than anything so he can get on his bike. He had the surgery on his hands done in January so he will be able to ride without his hands falling asleep all of the time! I have a feeling that he isn't going to be around much this summer (after he gets our yard in of course)! I have started to think that I will probably have to get a bike so that I will be able to see him this summer. The girls love that they can go to the track with Dad! Who says Dads need sons to have as riding buddies!

Monday, March 17, 2008


I don't know about you but we always try to come up with a family home evening lesson at about 6:45pm. My Mom has saved us though. She got Tabrie for Christmas these awsome FHE on DVD videos. These are the best! They are so good for young kids they have a everything on them. They start out with an opening song(the music and words go across the screen) there are usually 3 or 4 songs to choose from. Then it tells you to have an opening prayer. Next there is a lesson with scriptural references and then a cute cartoon to illustrate the point of the lesson. They are only about 10-15 minutes long and my girls absolutely love them. My Mom bought them a Dessert Book, I found the website where you can see more about them it is if anyone wants to you can borrow one of mine to see if your kids like them. I just thought that I would share this because it has been so great for us, our kids ask just about every night if we can watch one of the DVDs. Like I said ,if you want to borrow one from me to see if your family likes them as much as ours does just let me know.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Little Basketball Player

Tabrie just played her last basketball game yesterday. She was so bummed that it was her last. She has really gotten the hang of the game just lately. I think that with her height and long arms if she keeps practicing she could be a really good player. She does need to work on being a little more aggressive, when she gets to the ball at the same time as someone from the other team she won't take the ball from them she will just let the other person have it. I guess that is probably because she is a very giving little girl and she never wants to hurt anyones feelings. She is so happy, she got a trophy from her coach and a metal from YMCA. She loves being able to show them off to everyone. (What kid doesn't love trophies and metals?) She got a basketball hoop for Christmas and she has been begging us to put it up so she can practice with Dad. I'm just hoping that it will get warm soon so that we can get it put up for her. Briley was so happy to hear that it was Tabrie's last game because she says that they are so boring and would cry every time we went to one of the games! Aren't kids great, what one love the other one hates!:)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Tag......Tabrie & Briley

Tabrie and Briley were tagged by Hallie and Janessa! Here are 8 things about each of them.

1. She is a great friend and makes friends very easily. She is a really good friend and is very sensitive to others feeling. She always tries to include everyone.
2. She is a very obedient girl and loves to help with anything she is asked to. She loves to do things around the house to help me out. She always takes out the garbage when it gets full and we don't even have to ask her to. She always cleans up after herself.
3. She loves to play basketball and she is getting really good. One game she had 10 baskets! She was on one team earlier in the winter and is now just finishing up her second season!
4. She loves High School Musical and anything that has to do with it! She has every song memorized and is always blasting the CDs on her radio, dancing and singing along.
5. She is taking piano lessons and loves to learn new songs each week. She has very long fingers which help her to play. She tries to remember to practice every day so she can earn funny money. (That's how her teacher motivates them to practice)
6. Her school teacher said that she is very good in school and she and Hallie can sit together and they never get in trouble for talking. (I don't think that she is my daughter!)
7. She loves her sister Briley very much and would do (ALMOST) anything for her. She always tries to help her with things that she is a little too small to do on her own.
8. She is very smart! She loves math and is starting to really enjoy reading. She always wants to play school so she can read books to her class. (Which usually consists of Briley and a few dolls!) She loves to go to school and hates to miss class when she is sick or if we have to be gone. She had to miss almost a week with the flu and all she wanted was to go back. She asked every morning if she had a fever, when I said "yes" she would say "but I really wanted to go today!". I guess thats one more way that she isn't like me!

1. Always moves her hands while she talks. She has done this ever since she started talking. It is so cute! When you ask her why she does it she says, "because it is funny". I just hope that she grows out of it before she gets too much older.
2. She is very quiet until she gets to know you. After she gets comfortable with you she will be your best friend and she will follow you everywhere and talk your ear off. (Just ask Stacey)
3. She is very imaginative. She talks to herself all of the time and has full on conversations with herself. She can entertain herself for hours.
4. She has bright white natural curly hair. Even though she doesn't have a lot of hair she always wants it braided. Since I can't french braid she always wants me to take her to Stacey's house to get her hair done. I don't think that I will ever be able to braid her hair because it is soooo fine. Sorry Stacey!
5. Every morning she asks if Tabrie has school , when I say "yes" she says "oh, man!". She loves to play with her big sister and looks up to her. She is her sisters biggest fan and wants to do everything that Tabrie does.
6. She is a Mommy's girl. She always hugs me and says "your my best mama ever". It melts my heart! She is a very sweet and loving little girl. She also really likes her Daddy but she says Mommy is her favorite. (I love it of course!)
7. She is quirky and says the darnest things. Sometimes quite funny and other times she says things that are probably better left unsaid, but that is why we love her! She is always making everyone laugh and loves to be the center of attention, as long as she knows everyone there.
8. She names everything. She named her bike "Lucifer" (after the cat on Cinderella), her scooter "Pansy", and Tabrie's bike "Rosie". Then she named her four wheeler "Big Guy" and her dirt bike "Lacey" and Rex's dirt bike is "Big Red". Like I said she is very creative and imaginative!
We tag Carter, Tegan, Tray, Talen, Maddy, & Kynzee.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

When is it Spring?

Today when we woke up and opened the blinds it was snowing really hard and there was snow on the ground. Briley started crying and said "why did it have to snow?". I must say that I am really sick of the snow and I am ready for spring. I get asked daily from Briley "When is it spring, Mom?". She wants spring to come so bad so she can learn to ride "Lucifer" (that is what she named her bike, she says he is named after the cat on Cinderella) without training wheels. I hope for her sake and anyone else who has spring fever that spring will show up soon!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Here Goes Nothing

I guess that I had better start out by admitting that I had no clue how to make a cute page so I called up my Sis and she designed my page for me. Not that anyone would have believed me if I tried to take credit anyways. (It turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself). Just recently I started reading other peoples blogs. I decided that I wanted to try it out so here goes nothing!