“The Glory of God is man fully alive”-St. Ireneaus
This has been an amazing year of dreams being fulfilled and freedom being released within my heart.
This has been an amazing year of dreams being fulfilled and freedom being released within my heart.
I turned 40 this year (Gasp! No Way!) and (to use a quoted phrase about a dear artist friend upon his passing) I am finding that I’m just now beginning to come into my “Sweet Spot” in life.
This newsletter is jam packed with stuff that has poured out from my heart this year. Even this is not complete (there’s no way to describe everything here!) Thank you for taking the time to read & catch up with me.
The Palate—Writers Guild—VineArts Studio—The New Renaissance
In January I began to co-lead with Jessie (our VineArts Director), a discipleship group (also known as a small group or home group) for creative types. We meet each month on the 1st & 3rd Mondays from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the VineArts Studio to “feed our inner artist” through Bible study, worship, prayer, poetry, book study, film, sketching, painting, writing, music, clay, and many other artistic expression.
Also in January I began leading the Writers Guild that I’ve belonged to for 8 years. It meets in the café area of Barnes & Noble in Boise the 3rd Saturday of every month from 9:30am to 11am.
During the summer VineArts inherited a large garage space to be renovated into our new Studio. Myself & The VineArts leadership team spent tons of hours preparing for our launch in September. We now hold all of our activities in the Studio (and we have Open Studio hours every Wed. from 3pm to 8:30pm for people to come & create freely). For more info about VineArts: www.vineyardboise.org/Ministries/VineArts.aspx
Saturday Nov. 21 was a Worldwide Arts Renewal Celebration. The Pope invited 500 world renowned artists to join him in the Sistine Chapel to discuss a new era of Art & Faith. The Protestant church joined in & called forth artists and churches to launch a New Renaissance that would bring art back into the church and out from the church. VineArts met in our Studio to celebrate this worldwide renewal.
Jerry Fee Concerts
My friend Jerry Fee is a well known local musician/song writer/recording artist. I’ve known Jerry ever since I moved to Boise back in 99 and he has a heart of gold. He enjoys supporting local talent by bringing them along-side him when he plays at various gigs around the Treasure Valley.
My friend Jerry Fee is a well known local musician/song writer/recording artist. I’ve known Jerry ever since I moved to Boise back in 99 and he has a heart of gold. He enjoys supporting local talent by bringing them along-side him when he plays at various gigs around the Treasure Valley.
Jerry blessed me by asking me to paint live during a couple of his concerts in Boise.
In January I got the opportunity to paint live at one of his concerts in Boise (a benefit concert for a local charity). It was held at the Visual Arts Collective (a place that has a stage for bands/drama/live entertainment , an art gallery, and a bar). There were 4 bands playing that night. I painted 3 themed-original mixed media abstract expressionist collage paintings during the live sets, then we raffled them off at the end of the night.
In April I had another opportunity to paint live at a Jerry Fee concert...this time for Jerry’s new cd release (“Still Alive”) party at The Record Exchange in downtown Boise (a local music store with coffee bar & a stage for live music). I painted one themed-original mixed media abstract expressionist collage painting during his entire set. The painting told the story of each of the songs on the album. Then we raffled the painting off at the end of the night. You can check out Jerry’s music at: http://www.jerryfeemusic.com/
Revelation UnCorked—Bookstore Mural—CORE/DG Art and Worship
In January one of the pastors at Vineyard Boise asked me to paint live during a 2 week class he was teaching on the Book of Revelation. He wanted to present the artistic-apocalyptic book in creative ways. So I created a themed-original mixed media abstract expressionist collage painting live during the classes that represented Rev. 12:7-12. Later it was purchased to permanently hang in the church’s bookstore.
In January one of the pastors at Vineyard Boise asked me to paint live during a 2 week class he was teaching on the Book of Revelation. He wanted to present the artistic-apocalyptic book in creative ways. So I created a themed-original mixed media abstract expressionist collage painting live during the classes that represented Rev. 12:7-12. Later it was purchased to permanently hang in the church’s bookstore.
Speaking of the bookstore...in February I was hired to paint a mural on one of the walls. I did a painting of a Dead Sea Scroll & Pottery Jar next to some text speaking of the Word of God.
Then in September I joined some of our VineArts Leaders to help facilitate an Art & Worship Night for the youth of Vineyard Boise (The CORE) and in October we helped facilitate an Art & Worship Night for one of the home groups from the church. We prepped large canvases for them to paint on side by side while there was live worship music played. Both nights were about creating in community.
Forerunner Café
In March I had the privilege to be a featured artist in a local talent arts events held by The Forerunner Café in a venue downtown Boise called The Watercooler.
In March I had the privilege to be a featured artist in a local talent arts events held by The Forerunner Café in a venue downtown Boise called The Watercooler.
My friends Lisa & Suzanne have hearts to promote local talent so they started The Forerunner Café as a way to do this. The night was a themed semi-formal dessert theatre. There were 7 local talents featured (a hip-hop dance troupe, an acoustic guitarist with original songs, a ballroom dance instructing, a poet, a film maker, an actor, and a painter) with live performances.
I created a themed-original mixed media abstract expressionist collage painting live to a song specifically chosen for me. (“Somewhere Over The Rainbow/A Wonderful World” by Israel Kamakawiwo’Ole) I titled the painting “Dreams”. It was raffled off at the end of the evening.
Art Shows
During the year I had the chance to display my paintings in 5 local art exhibits in Boise.
During the year I had the chance to display my paintings in 5 local art exhibits in Boise.
In January we installed a VineArts Exhibit titled: “Transformation”. It was the second exhibit we themed with this title over the 5 years that we’ve had the VineArts Gallery open. In April we installed a VineArts Exhibit titled: “The Creator’s Heart”. And in July we installed a VineArts Exhibit titled “Refuge in You”. All of these exhibits were themed & juried.
In August I also entered a painting into The Western Idaho Fair: Fine Arts Display in the Expo Building. The art is judged for prizes. I enjoy submitting each year for the viewing exposure.
In October I was a featured artist at The Garden City Library in Boise for their ongoing “Books & Brushes” Art Exhibit. It was the first art show I have done (outside of the VineArts Gallery) in about 3 years. I had 15 original impressionist oil landscapes displayed. I shared the month with a local colored pencil artist & friend (Beverly), and we hung our work side by side for a nice contrast. If you’re interested in checking out Beverly’s art, you can go to her website: http://www.chickartisticcreations.com/
Heart of David Backdrop—Paul’s Epistles Backdrop
In January a I worked along with a team of VineArts artists to create the second painted backdrop for Vineyard Boise’s sanctuary. The backdrop coincided with the sermon series “The Heart of David” and told the story of King David’s life through an abstract painting with lots of symbolism interspersed.
In January a I worked along with a team of VineArts artists to create the second painted backdrop for Vineyard Boise’s sanctuary. The backdrop coincided with the sermon series “The Heart of David” and told the story of King David’s life through an abstract painting with lots of symbolism interspersed.
And during the summer I worked along with a team of VineArts artists to create the third painted backdrop for Vineyard Boise’s sanctuary. The backdrop coincided with the sermon series “Paul’s Prison Epistles” and represented a prison cell (where Paul wrote the books of Colossians, Philemon, Philippians, & Ephesians) through an abstract painting.
The backdrops are 3 paneled canvas paintings (each panel is 12 feet high & 18 feet wide). We hung the blank panels and projected a rough outline onto the 3 panels using an overhead and some chalk. Then we took them down and we painted the canvases on the floor and used large brushes, mops, brooms, and all sorts of various materials to create texture.
On the Sunday that the backdrops were revealed to the church, myself and Jessie (our VineArts Director) joined the worship team on stage to apply finishing touches to the paintings live during the morning worship services.
Book Illustration—CD Graphic Design—Pastel Workshop
The book I illustrated, “Formation Generation” by author Robert Michael Kurz, was officially released in March.
The book I illustrated, “Formation Generation” by author Robert Michael Kurz, was officially released in March.
I have over 20 detailed illustrations published within the book. It is now available at http://www.formationgeneration.com/, on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble.com, and at all major bookstores. I have been honored to be a part of this ground-breaking & nationally heralded publication about prayer for the pre-born.
This year I have also been privileged to be a part of 2 music cd graphic design projects for Idaho musicians Sigi Koefod and Daniel Cordova. I’ve enjoyed broadening my creative skills in the graphics field and have been blessed to be part of other artists’ publications.
You can check out Sigi Koefod’s music at: http://www.sigikoefod.com/
You can check out Daniel Cordova’s music at: http://www.facebook.com/
You can check out Daniel Cordova’s music at: http://www.facebook.com/
In November I taught a 3 hour VineArts workshop on oil pastels and soft pastels. It was a well attended class and I enjoyed teaching some basic & experimental techniques with the 2 mediums that I had started my art career out with.
What next?
I’m looking forward to 2010 with anticipation of many more heart filled creative adventures to come!
I’m looking forward to 2010 with anticipation of many more heart filled creative adventures to come!
May God pour out His creative love into you and may you be released to be fully who you were made to be.
Dive deep!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!