OMG...happy thoughts..happy thoughts..come to me.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Secondly, in my wallet right now, i have less than rm50 and another rm80 in my bank account and this amounted to a total of frikkin' rm130. Talk about 'miskin tegar'. And so, am now tryin to get any part time job available there in kl as long as it's legal and it pays good. Damn.
And as ya'all know, during the first 3 month of working, i may not be gettin' any penny and this worries me A LOT!
Wish i could just bend over and get $$ by swiping my bank card on my buttock !
Friday, November 13, 2009
i opted for Sarawak back then when they asked me to fill up the posting form.
Now, i changed my mind, but unfortunately that wont change the form tho.
My heart skipped a beat when friends told me that i could check posting place via onli9 today. After 2 hours and browsing the MOE website and calling them, i found that the news were fake. Damn it!
So, right now friends, if i was to be posted to borneo, than i guess this end of Nov is my last day being here in peninsular of Malaysia. sigh.
P/s: God, place me to the place where my chances of being a better person is at.
p/s (ii): pls ignore my grammatical errors, no mood to check on them.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
exam vs me day?
but now as the exams ended (phew), i have to atttend to 3 weeks of induction course and on top pf that, i have to execute all the assignments and pass the exam. i dun mind to put up with the course, but more exams!
oh, btw i would like to extend my warmth appreciation my friends and froggy for the birthday wishes! i love u guys so so much!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
just dreams?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A wish?
i know...again am guilty as charged. i've been busy like no one cares and without me knowing it, it was already time for Eid Mubarak. Lotsa things happened in my life.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
For me, time made me a better person..or worse. nevertheless, I knew that this is the path of life that I'm taking, and regret is by far the best buddy who showed me the guy that I'm supposed to be.
And, time made me realized that it waits for no man and I don't have to wait for anything anymore.
want it, chase it, hate it, forget it.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
lil' bit on my updates
i'm now in the process of doing my training as a practical teacher in a rural school in a rural area in nothern state of Malaysia.
How's the school like?
First, the total of pupils is around 300 plus. Yeap, i know..very little..and the school compound is rather small too. Most of the parents are working as rubber tappers.. some are factory operators, some are fishermen, paddy field farmers and a number of teachers.
And also, what i love most about the school is that it's planted with fruits tree..we have rambutans,
, jackfruits and others..huhu..and am goin' crazy as they're riping on trees!
next time when i hav d chance to take some pictures, i'll show u guys alright?
till then,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Lovin' my holidays?
I really love KL, apart from the traffic jam and ever-so-diverted roads.
Had so much time with Froggy and friends.
till then cya!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
i know.. i know..i have not been updating the blog for while..will do it later since am on 3 weeks holidays!!! yeay!!!!!! will be goin to kl tomorrow..cyas!!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tsk tsk??
i've been away for quite sometimes i guess.
Dont blame me, blame the lagging wifi *im never at wrong, get it?
Btw, me and some of my clicks watched few movies; Night at the museum 2 which made we ended up sleeping in a car in front of 24-hrs KFC, and Push to name a few.
Loved Night at the museum 2, Push was not that ok for me. The hero was weak...tho he has power of pushing things and people. And it seems that almost everyone has power in that movie which made him looked less special.
And also, me and my classmates had just finished organizing a bowling tournament, as our Gerko Project in completing the prerequisite to grad. And guess who beats the whole class? Moi!! hahaa..
I impressed myself too. Two days ago me and frens has a game and i in the last place. But today luck was shining its stars on me..huhuhu!
Oh yeah...I already knew my practical school. It's sumwhere near Gunung Jerai. Can u imagine?
I just hope that i could learn more about teaching there. Will try to do my best there.
*cross fingers
And also, i have lots of assignments to be done yet am still not doin them, why am i not nervous or worried at all??
tsk tsk..
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Broke down?
Luckily not in the middle of the road.
Thank god i was not alone. My classmate who happened to know a few things about car gave a useful hand in rectifying the situation.
It was passed sun set and getting dark. Plus the cat and dog rain didnt give us much help either.
We found out that the radiator is having a problem.
It was overheated.
Somehow, the water from overflowing tank couldnt flow back to the radiator and the car got overheated.
I bought 3 bottles of mineral water and poured in the bloody thirsty radiator.
Thank goodness it worked after a while.
Drove back to college and was 30mins late for the 8.00pm class. darn!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
This time on my thigh down to my knee.
My left thigh that is. It hurts!
I dunno when it happened. Tried so hard to avaoid those chalis. Demmit!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Back from the swamp?
Me. Scouting. Yeah, u hear that right.
I was in Taiping for 4 days for the camping. We had to do our own gadget and everything.
It rained cats and dogs the 1st day that we couldn't get ourselves a clean water to drink. As a result, we filtered the raindrops using a domestic kitchen filter and then boiled it to make MILO. LOL!
Oh, make sure that you had you Malaria pills a week prior to your camping trip. Just for precautions.
Nevertheless, the camping was nice apart from the fact that i din even spend a nite in the tent since it was too muddy on the ground.
Scratch that, it was like we were camping in a swamp!
Am back in hostel, with all the memories and the itchiness on my back!
Darn you dirty water!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The 3rd.
Happy 3rd anniversary
We've been through a lot this year.
And i don't mind to go through that again.
As long as you are by my side.
This morning, i woke up knowing that we still have years
ahead of us.
And i'm thankful for that.
ich liebe dich
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I've been kissed
But not like this! Was kissed by Chali 2 days back and it hurts so much.
The burning sensation is killin' me. Real bad. Demmit!
Chali is a small orange-ish bug with black strip on its stomach. It's small in size, more to an ant than a mosquito and it likes to be around lights and wet areas and especially the toilet and bathroom. People said that Chali comes from the nearest paddy field and they flew to our college when it was harvesting time.
I told Afi about it and he said that we could even use Chalis as a biological weapon for wars. LOL!
p/s: i wonder if karma pays me back when i killed two chali couple of days before that! Cissss~
Monday, March 30, 2009
Opposite Attract??
Oh, you must be confused by now.
Well, last Thursday me n my SBE mate, K has been approached by one of the school teacher to help her with the school's choral speaking members. At first we thought we would just be giving simple observations and then throw some ideas to make it more exciting.
HOWEVER, when we got there, she handed all the tasks including the pronunciation, enunciation, gestures and intonation to moi and K. I mean, the reason of why ME and K there was to help her and not being taken advantage for! But since we didn't want to take it to the bone, we took that as a challenge for us to learn more about the children through the 30 kids.
As today ended, we could see that these children come from various different backgrounds. Some of them are the school teachers' kids, some are government servants' kids but most of them are the village fishermen's kids. As far as I concern, they have no problem to communicate with each other but many of them are the disruptive type whom i know a responsibility of the teachers to shape them to become the disciplined ones.
I tried to become their friends; make jokes and laugh with them. And there were time when they stepped out of the rules i automatically became the "sir" of their life. These kids has the potential to make jokes on their friends, but they manage to control it since my first rule is 1. NO NAME CALLINGS (some of the pupils were calling their friends pondan, etc..)
I'll finish my SBE this Friday, but I hope my present brings them an inspiration to become a better person and a better human being. Oh, not to forget, a stylish person (Some of the Makcik Canteen has proposed me to marry their daughther, BLEY???????).
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Shame on me.
Havin' my two weeks "School Based Experience" program starting from last Monday.
Became an underdog replacement teacher today since the real class teacher bailed out of the class crying since she couldn't take it anymore from the disruptive kids.
I hope i did a good job takin over the class tho.
It was a good experience.
Lookin forward for another class, if there is.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Lost my phone
I lost my phone and there's no way to get
Things always happen when you least expect it!
Damn again!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I don't even know whether this is even worth it now.
i don't expect all of you to understand it..just try to feel it with me.
I hate being in the negative state.
It's easier being said than done.
I'm missing a lot of thing, i think.
hate it.
Friday, January 09, 2009
L.I.F.E (part ii)
and then my sister called.
“Dad’s condition is stable now. He suddenly could move his body right after aunt finished reciting Yaseen and chit-chatting with our relatives now. Even the doctor couldn’t tell what had happened. But at least he’s ok now.”
I saw the silver lining of New Year.
I arrived at 2 a.m. at my hometown at was picked up by my lil’ bro. I thought he was gonna send he home, but we went straight to see my dad. Oh, i drove to the Hospital. My lil' bro made me to drive the car since he was so sleepy. Since it was over the visiting hour, we sneaked in thru the back stairs and quietly climbed up to my dad’s room. Quite adventurous, I’d say. Hehehe.
And then I saw him. He was sleeping soundly. He’s even thinner than I could remember. Mom was shocked to see us. To see me. She woke my dad up and I shook his bony hands and kissed them.
After a while, we secretly (again) sneaked out of the hospital.
The next day, my lil bro and i wnet back to the hospital since the doc said that dad is stable and he can discharge anytime. I paid RM300+ for the bills and that officially made me a poor person that i begged for my mom rm50 so that i could get me bus tix to kl.
Yup, i went for the 1st option.
Upon arriving in Kl, I took Komuter to Froggy's house and packed my staff.
We took a bus to LCCt and headed to the planned vacation spot. Egha was already there, and since arrived around 11.50-ish and we didnt book a room that nite..we planned to stay at his room just for that nite.
But........(*to be continued)
i took a while to update my blog and a lot of things had happened.
2009 is here and a happy belated new year to all of you out there. I wish that this year will bring us happiness and joy and less tears to shed.
Today (9th January 2009), i'll be going back to my hometown and this monday, i'll register for the KPLI.
Yes, Froggy and i have talk about it and we came to conclusion that Malaysia is juat a small country and we can always see each other when we want to.
I'm grateful to be blessed by lotsa friends who love me and seriously i do love guys too!
Thanx for Ted and Achap for the thoughtful Starbucks organiser.
Thanks for Paranoi8 for always being there to listen to my probs without judging me..
Thanks for Fizi for giving me the lovely Cupido-may it will mend two broken hearts as it says in its pamphlet.
Thanks for Andy for the lovely dinner. I always admire your positive thoughts.
Ahmad, thanks for being there Ahmad with your sassy "histories". They were so hillarious.
Art, Syuke, Jas, And Jeeb; thanks for the friendship u gave me. we've known for less than 3 years but u guys have treated me like we've known for a lifetime.
Taj, thanks for all the teachings and guides to make Pelamin. i will never throw that lessons in vain.
Froggy, we shared our moments for almost 3 years and i'm looking forward to share them as long as the stars shine in the sky, bley sayang?? *hiks