Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hersey Track Meet

Morgan's first Hersey track meet.
It was one of the coldest days I can remember. Some of the kids came in only t-shirts and shorts. I had two shirts on, a coat, hat, gloves and a blanket wrapped around me and I was still cold. I do not know how those kids survived. Morgan did not win any of her heats, but she did a great job.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Back Surgery

Travis had a disectomy and fusion done to his lower back the Saturday before Easter. He hurt it back in January at work and has been waiting to get in to have it operated on. He has been at home recovering for the past three weeks and is doing well.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Late Easter

This Easter was a special one for our kids. They had been concerned for weeks that Travis would not be home for Easter Sunday because he was having surgery the day before and would still be in the hospital. The Easter Bunny made a special exception and showed up to our house the Friday before Easter. The kids were very surprised when they got up to go to school and the Easter Bunny had been there. I think it was one of the most exciting and enjoyable Easter's ever. The kids spent the morning enjoying their Easter baskets, layed on the floor and watched a movie, I made pancakes, Morgan went to school for a couple of hours for a special project she had been working on and then we got dressed and went to a movie. What a good day.
Hudson could not have been more excited - The Easter Bunny brought him a new gun.
This is a goofy picture of Maisy, but it was the only one I took with her basket.

Chillin watching the Blind Side.


WARNING - Picture overload.
Maisy actually turned 7 last month. I am a slacker and am just getting around to posting her birthday pictures. She had several parties to celebrate her birthday and loved every minute of it. She had been planning her birthday since November.

Maisy and Grandpa Reid celebrated their birthday's together since they are only one day apart.

Maisy has been bugging me for two years now to go ice skating for her friend party. I finally gave in this year and let her. I was a little worried about taking several kids that had never ice skated before, but they all did really well and we had a lot of fun.

Cup cakes and hot chocolate

Maisy and Cousin Chad

Maisy chose to go to Brick Oven for her birthday dinner. Here she is standing on her chair while the employees are singing happy birthday to her. After this Hudson decided this is where he wants to go for his birthday too, so he can stand on his chair.

Oakley Dale

My niece Randi had her first baby on March 24th - Oakley Dale Waldron. She is a doll. Congratulations Randi and Brett!

I don't know what was up with Hudson's face this day. It was so red and dry. It looked like it hurt so bad.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Our semi-annual trip to the dermatologist resulted in stitches for Morgan this time. She had a mole by her ear that we had taken off twice before and it had growing back again. This time the dermatologist had to remove a large section which required a couple stitches. It was a fun experience to say the least. Morgan does not do shots or needles.

New Glasses Again

I could not figure out way Morgan kept telling me that she could not see the board at school. It had not even been a year since she had last gone to the optometrist. Each time she mentioned it to me I put it off until one day I got an email from her teacher at school asking me to have her eyes checked. So I finally made her an appointment. Come to find out her prescription had changed, a LOT. It had actually more than doubled in less than a year. They were concerned that she might have diabetes, so we had her checked. All tests came back negative. Thank goodness. So no explanation for the drastic prescription change, just new glasses. She can finally see the board again. Next time I will take her a little more serious.