Maria's Space: Color Carnival #99

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Color Carnival #99

Hello everyone,
What a crazy Saturday. Woke up feeling very sick, and dizzy. Could barely walk because I was so off kilter. Would have miserably failed a sobriety test even though I am not a drinker.  Had to lie down because the dizziness was making me so nauseous. The kids were excited about a birthday party so I knew I had to get better. Lied around all morning hoping to take them.   Eventually my husband drove because he saw I was in no shape to take them.  It was fun and I feel so much better just a bit cloudy. Praying this will all just pass and that I haven't caught some nasty lake virus from all our days at the lake this week.

Thank you to the fabulous folks who are continuing to grace Color Carnival with their photos. I am just a host, you guys keep it running.

Thank you to everyone who contributed and voted.

Welcome to another colorful week here at Color Carnival!

We will run till Thursday at midnight. Look for the voting button after that and please come back to vote. Saturday a new post will go up with the prior week's winner.

Hope everyone has a great Weekend!


  1. Maria, hope you are feeling feeling better now! Thanks for hosting. And by the way, my name is not spelled with an H, so I am Sara, not Sarah. But I am excited I won!

  2. Thanks for the votes!

  3. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Congrats to all three of you. Sorry I missed last week, I have had a horribly busy week and was hardly on the computer at all.
    I sure hope you feel better Maria, I have suffered from vertigo, so I know how that is... no fun at all. Hope it's not a virus! My post will go up soon. HUGGLES!!
    Lorie of The Shewbridges

  4. Not sure why my vote didn't seem to count. I tried to vote for #1, but clicking on either the image or the name underneath just brought me to the Sweet Memories website, didn't cast a vote.

  5. Hey everyone. Hope you are all well.

    Thanks Sara I will try to remember that from now on.

    Not sure why your vote didn't count Sara maybe the voting had ended or was just ending. So many weird things.


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