Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Aspen Jane

On Thursday Jan. 12 I woke up with a start realizing I had slept through the night. On any other day I would have been thrilled but this meant the baby had not kicked all night. I tried to get her to move but could not. I called the doctor and he told me to go get checked at the hospital. It took them a while but were able to find a heart beat. They monitored it than decided to preform an ultra sound. There were 2 things they looked for, movement and amniotic fluid. We barely passed both so the doctor decided to induce labor two and a half weeks early. Aspen Jane joined our family at 9:45 a.m. Friday, Jan 13, 2012. She weighed 5lb 13 oz. and was 17 in long.

Since than I have found out there was an infection in the placenta that made it so there was not enough fluid and the placenta was not giving her the nutrients she needed (that is why she was small.) I also learned that the doctor induced because with that little of fluid she could have moved and pinched her cord and would have been still born.

I am so glad she is here. Clarity is the best big sister ever.