Saturday, April 24, 2010


Well, I completed one of my goals for this year. I ran in an official 5K today. Got a shirt, and a number and everything. :) No pictures though. The race started at 6:50, and I didn't want to get my kids up that early, just so Jared could get a pic of me running down the street. One of these days, I will have to reinact it for the photo op, but I am sure there will be more to come. In fact, I am getting ready to register for another one. It is a midnight 5K. Should be fun!! :) I didn't come in last, I started out running, and I finished running, and I ran in the middle. Just not the entire way. ;) I haven't been able to train like I wanted to, because of illness and asthma attacks, but I will continue to train for the next one at the end of May.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cute Hair!!!

I have come across some fabulous blogs that show how to do the cutest hairstyles. One is here, and the other one is here. Both of them are AWESOME!! I have tried a few different styles from each site, and I do new styles almost daily on Natalie. I love it! Here are just some of the different ones I have done. I forget to take pictures of all of them....

Hope you guys with girls out there check out these blogs, and start doing some cute hairstyles yourselves. ;)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

One more thing....

I remembered one more thing that I hate.

Potty training.

Why can't toddlers just wake up one day and say, " I'm done with diapers." And actually mean it, and have no accidents whatsoever? Gah!!

Natalie has decided that going #2 on the potty is soooo not for her. *eyeroll* I wish she would learn here real quick, that it is the coolest thing in the world.

Monday, April 12, 2010

10 Things I Hate

1. Laundry. It never ends, and I can never seem to keep up with it. At least 2 out of the 3 kids can put their own clothes away.

2. Dishes. Same with laundry. Neverending, and I can't keep up.

3. Bickering. This is my nails on the chalkboard. Makes my skin crawl...

4. Kids sleeping in my room. I don't mean babies. They are oblivious to things around them. I am talking about 7 and 5 year olds sleeping on the floor in my room. Hello? I need some privacy dudes. Get out!

5. Allergies. I have them BAD!! Nothing seems to work for them for very long either. It is like my body gets used to all of the allergy medicine out there, and just stops working. Sucks.

6. Nasal Polyps. With the allergies comes nasal polyps. For me at least. They don't go away either. For me at least. 95% of people with nasal polyps can get them surgically removed, and they don't return. I am in the 5%. I have had surgery TWICE! I have to do it again. :(

7. Ear Infections. These suckers hurt so bad. I feel so bad when my kids get them, because I know how much it hurts. I hate losing sleep when they have one too.

8. Junk mail. Why can't everyone save a tree, and stop sending me all this crap that just gets put straight in the recycle bin? I don't need 258 credit cards thankyouverymuch.

9. Scared. I hate being scared. Since I am deaf in one ear, and sometimes my hearing isn't all that great, I get scared pretty easily, especially when Jared comes around the corner, and my back is turned. He has a very light step, and he forgets to mention he is there before he starts talking...scares the crap out of me!

10. Headaches! Why do we have to have headaches? Is there really a point to them besides making us miserable? Didn't think so. That is the biggest thing I could do without. I can tolerate the rest of the list to some degree, but headaches....nah. Shoot me now.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Natalie-ism part 2

Funny story.

Natalie is sick. She has croup and an upper respitory infection. Went to Instacare today to get meds for her. Wasn't too bad. Came home, got dinner ready (Easter leftovers-thanks Elizabeth!), and while we were having dessert, Jacob was trying to snatch some of Natalie's frosting on her cake. She didn't like it anyway, but she had licked all of the top of it. So, we told Jacob not to eat it, because she was sick, and we didn't want him to get sick too. And, please don't let Natalie drink out of your cup. So...convo.

Jacob (in his sweetest high-pitched voice): Na-lly, you can't drink out of my cup, 'cuz you are sick, and I don't want your germs.


Which is funny to me, because Jared is sick. He has strep. She thinks only one person can be sick at a time I guess. Maybe you just had to be there...or maybe you just have to be as sleep-deprived as I am these days. ;) I thought it was cute.