Maddox Is The Star of The Show
Maddox is so fun these days and the entire family cannot get enough of his cuteness. The kids love to play and make him laugh.
Maddox is such a happy baby that it is not hard to do. He loves to be silly and make all kids of faces. When he gets mad, watch out cause he has a temper.
He loves his push truck. He could spend the entire day having people push him around on it.
He loves trying new foods and has to try what every you are eating. If not there is a bit fit.
At 9 months he figured out how to climb the stairs. Everyone takes their turn of chasing him. He thinks that it is the best game in the world.
His mouth is full of little choppers. He loves to grind them and drive us crazy. Oh and watch out if he has found some treasure to put in his mouth, because he bits anyone who trys to take it out of his mouth! He also thinks that biting is funny. I think that one is going to be a problem.
Two Great Books
It is the month of LOVE and we have been trying to focus on not fighting at our house and how to think of others first. I found to great books for that and the kids liked both of the books and asked to read them again, which is always a good sign.
I used Have you Filled a Bucket Today for FHE. All month we are trying to do nice things for other people. At the end of the night we we have scriptures the kids tell something nice they did for someone else that day. Then they get to put a sparkle pom pom in our bucket. Once the bucket is full we get to go out for ice cream.
At first they did not quite get it. Annisten would say what ever Peyton would say. Now they are starting to get the hang of it. Peyton usually has a whole list of things he had done for other people. Mostly it is for the cute girls in his class at school, but hey that works too.
Tonight we talked about being beautiful from the inside out, what that means, and how we can do that. This is a great book for that.
Annisten had decide to give soccer a try and absolutely loved the first practice. She picked out everything pink and purple. She talked to everyone in the store would listen about her being in soccer and how fast of a runner she is in her new soccer shoes. It will be fun to watch her play.
Peyton loves basketball! It is perfect because it is a sport, he can run, and their is a ball involved. He gets so stirred up about practices and games that he drives all crazy until we get there. So I do not tell him until a 1/2 before it is time to go.
The tooth fairy has been making regular visits to our house these days. Peyton is so proud of the missing teeth and the new ones growing in. Every night while brushing his teeth, we have to look over at all of the new and missing teeth.
He is really into coins. Somehow the tooth fairy never disappoints with a shiny new gold coin, half dollar, or a special coin of sort. Corey and I are not sure if it is the lack of teeth or what but Peyton has developed this painful looking smile in all of our pictures lately. Hopefully it will end soon.
Nothing But Dresses
Annisten had decided that nothing but dresses works for her. It does not matter what she is doing it that day, it has to be in a dress. If not there is the biggest fit and rolling tears that you have ever seen. Corey says you two are ridiculous! Usually I don't mind, but there are some things dresses are not meant for. It is such a battle every morning about what she is going to wear for the day. What am I going to do when she is a teenager.
Great Weather
The weather had been absolutely beautiful out. This doesn't seem like much of a winter at all, more like early spring. So we have been playing outside a lot. The kids love rollerblading.
Maddox prefers his car and is crazy about being outside as well.