Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Little Reed!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday the 18th little Maddox Reed was born. My water was broke at 11:50 and he was born at 1:12 p.m. He is a health little boy weighing 7 pounds and 6 ounces. 

The kids are absolutely crazy over him and are always wanting to help with the baby. 

Even though this is number three for us, we forgot how little newborns can be. This going home outfit was a just a bit big. The little outfit was suppose to be for newborns.  The shorts were not even an option.

Maddox defiantly has a strong set of lungs. He loves his hands and his pacifier, thank goodness. He is already changing so fast. Corey and I are not sure who he looks like yet.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

This year we tried to catch a leprechaun with homemade traps and rainbow M&Ms. Peyton and Annisten planned it all out. They decided to put a picture of gold at the bottom of the trap. Then use tape to make him stick to the trap. That tricky leprechaun got away again this year. He turned everything green too! Peyton loved and Annisten was made. I think it might have scared her. All day she was jumpy and asked if the leprechaun was gone.
 To celebrate we had a day of green and rainbow foods. The two favorites- green eggs with ham and rainbow cupcakes.

Glimpse of Spring!

Every week there seems to be a day where spring weather teases us with warm weather and sunshine. The kids and I try and take advantage of it with walks, bikes, and outside play. I try and air out the house too. Then the next thing we know, we are waking up to snow.

A new project....

My cousin is having a baby a month after me and I was trying to think what to get her. I wanted to make her something, but my sewing skills are not something to brag about.  I was surfing the blog network and found a simple (I mean really simple) pattern for a car seat canopy and thought now that is something that I can do. I was all excited and picked out the material. Then I started the project and thought what did I get myself into! Threading the machine and bobbin is enough to try one's patience.  Not to mention to remember how to sew. This is why I have a million started projects and never finish them. I ended up finishing this one and it really wasn't as bad as I thought. Hey and by the end of it all, I learned how to sew a nice line! Who knows maybe baby number three will get something homemade from me. It might be next year though. :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Temple in Kansas City....

Some time ago a temple was announced to be built in Kansas City, Missouri. Now when we drive by the site on the freeway, we can see the temple in construction. Now that the members are seeing progress of the temple construction, the excitement is rising even more. It is soooo excited! Corey and I took for granted having temples so close to us in Utah. We cannot wait for the new temple to be finished!

Bed time stories and curious little minds....

Bedtime routine always starts out with good intentions, but ends up a hurried mess. The kids keep procrastinating and staling. There is always the need for a snack, have to go to the bathroom, a drink, or what ever excuse they can come up with. Then we get cranky and hurried just to get them down. Lately I have been working on patience and trying to not be so hostel at bedtime. I have come to realize that not only am I reading bedtime stories, but taking the time to learn about the kids and their own little stories.

Maybe cause it is night time and they are laying in bed for a few seconds, I'm not sure. The little wheels in Peyton's and Annisten's head are turning.  They come up with some funny stories and questions about the day. I think because I am trying to slow things down, I have been listen more to what they are saying these days. It has been worth every moment too.

A few nights ago, the kids were getting their PJ on and were asking questions about the baby. They both wanted to know if the baby had his PJ on too. I told them no he is naked (for some reason nakedness is a very funny thing at our house). They laughed and laughed! So now the big news at our house Peyton and Anni tell everyone they meet is.... My mommy has a baby in her tummy and he is naked!!!! Then they laugh and laugh.